This is really going to surprise you that Michigan still has some of the craziest laws still on the books in the country. There are plenty of standard laws still on the books of course, but, man, we do have some wacky ones. Check out some of our strangest laws: 1. In Detroit, it'...
I started this blog to get all the crazy stories I experienced with my Chinese in-laws out of my head. Over the years many weird things have piled up and this blog is a perfect “therapy” to survive this madness. Advice: Death is lighter than a feather, Duty is heavier than a mount...
while laws and enforcement are fundamentally sound, not all legislation and officials within the legal system are well intentioned. It is one thing for there to be ridiculous, outdated laws on the books
Women’s anatomy down there is clearly not as evident as men’s. Where you are convex, she is concave. The center of her pleasure, the clitoris, can be tricky to find sometimes, depending on how she is built. Clitoral size and sensitivity can vary, so it’s essential to pay attention...
All around the world there are obscure laws which, miraculously, still exist today. Whilst they are rarely enforced, many have actually not yet been taken off the books and still stand. Be careful where you tread, my friend, for the laws ahead might be a little muddy. ...
Enforcing civil rights laws: The ED ensures that students have equal access to education and that programs receiving federal funds are free of discrimination Researching education: The ED collects data and conducts research on education, including teaching techniques and best practices ...
While a number of states had blue laws about buying alcohol on election days, the vast majority were rolled back. But even as recently as 2008, they were on the books in seven states.For the 2012 election, only Kentucky and South Carolina still had election day blue laws, and even Kentuc...
Things don't just happen in this world of arising and passing away. We don't live in some kind of crazy, accidental universe. Things happen according to certain laws, laws of nature. Laws such as the law of karma, which teaches us that as a certain seed gets planted, so will that ...
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6. The Florida Giant Penguin Hoax A“giant penguin” supposedly materialized in Florida in the late 1940s, leaving enormous three-toed marks on the beach. For ten years, Floridians were captivated by tales of a 15-foot-tall penguin. Decades later, it was finally revealed that some joker ha...