We've all heard about crazy laws here in New York State that are on the books, but are rarely, if ever, enforced. I've found 16 of them here that people swear on their children - are real, but I can't find a single reference to back them up. To be fair, some of these should...
Texas is a common law state. That means a state makes legal decisions largely based on judicial precedents rather than statutory laws. In Texas, two willing parties — over 18, unmarried and unrelated — are legally married if they publicly announce they’re married three times.Tex. Pen. Code...
Texas is a common law state. That means a state makes legal decisions largely based on judicial precedents rather than statutory laws. In Texas, two willing parties — over 18, unmarried and unrelated — are legally married if they publicly announce they’re married three times.Tex. Pen. Code...
Weird laws about drinking are a worldwide phenomenon: international alcohol laws are sometimes pretty out there and America has some truly strange regulations on the books as well. Alcohol laws from around the world can govern anything from how much wine a married woman can drink to penalties fo...
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born? Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significa...
The fire runs most of the width of the Texas Panhandle along the Canadian River (Dumas to Oklahoma.). It’s thick enough in the house that my eyes have itched constantly since the wind shifted (from W to N), and my chest is a little tight – my dust allergies trip when there’s ...
We know that people in different states have very different opinions on how certain foods should be eaten—just look at the country's wild variety of sandwich preferences—but we had no idea about the slew of silly laws out there governing everything from what we can and can't eat to whe...
“Absolutely. Wouldn’t have it any other way.” my Crazy assured. “I mean, we pull this escape off, we deserve a drink, but after that drink—after just enough to keep us sane on our way down to Texas—we’re done with it and on to the crossword puzzles and church choir or ...
Cooking the Books “There were at least three problems with what the commission finally produced. First, it settled on its conclusions and then selected evidence to support them. Second, its argument was based on shockingly shoddy logic. And third, it proposed a curricular response that ignored ...
I live in a pretty small town. In reality, we have two sets of traffic lights in the whole town. That's it. And for whatever reason, even in the middle of the night, they leave the light cycle on. It seems like it could be a great opportunity for a 4-way stop, otherwise you ...