function x=shoot_method(A,f) %LU分解思路的追赶法求解三对角阵 %输入:Ax=f中A,f %输出:x len_f=length(f);%矩阵尺寸 a=[0;diag(A,-1)];b=diag(A,0);c=diag(A,1);%获取对角元素 l=zeros(1,len_f-1);uu=zeros(1,len_f); uu(1)=b(1); for ii=2:len_f%紧凑格式Doolittle分解 ...
This method is known as the Crank-Nicolson scheme. The explicit method for the heat-equation involved a forward difference term for the time derivative and a centred second derivative for the second space derivative: \[ \frac{f^{n+1}_i - f^n_i}{\Delta t} = \frac{f^n_{i+1}- ...
Python(采用克拉尼克森求解一维稳态) code Crank Nicolson Method for 1D Unsteady Heat Conduction 萝卜只是只卜萝 180 -- 27:51 Chrysler 300 no crank no start fix TAKMON 103 -- 4:19 三人女子乐队原创Funk曲目《Crank Up Funk》 TAMA_official 4858 3 21:6 【RIKAON路亚】CRANK竿 泊口河高强度实战!