Our goal is to pay our authors SFWA professional rate of .08 a word. Authors deserve p | Check out 'A Crack in the Code: Cybertronic Stories' on Indiegogo.
Pre $3K Incentive: Anyone pledging $10 or more before the Indiegogo hits $3000 will receive a handpaintedA Crack in the Codecoin created by Charlotte artist, Ben Mirabelli! Note:All Early Backer incentives will be sent after the successful completion of the campaign. ...
Management of massive hemoptysis with the rigid bronchoscope and cold saline lavage The criteria used to characterize hemoptysis as massive vary, based primarily on the quantity of blood lost over a given time span, which, in a 24-... GIOVANNI ANTONIO MARSICO,JORGE MONTESSI,LEVI MADEIRA 被引量...
1. 霹啪一声地 code KK: []DJ: []n.1. 法典,法规[C]2. 规则,规范;礼教习俗[C]Students must observe the code of the school.学生必须遵守校规。3. 代号,代码;电码;密码[C][U]He sent a message in code.他用密码发送了一份讯息。4. 【电脑】(不严格地说,是指)以特定编程语言所撰...
crack the codeAs an idiom this phrase is used when referring to a breakthrough in an activity/plan.Ex:I started without a business plan but i just CRACKED THE CODE.But it can also be used when literally talking about cracking a code.Ex:Hacker are you in
Divita, C. (2015). « "Cracking" the code : Interpreting sentence reduction requirements in favor of eligibility for crack cocaine offenders who avoided a mandatory minimum for their substantial assistance to authorities », Boston College Law Review, 56(3), 1143-1179....
Seven rules to crack the code on revenue synergies in M&A October 15, 2018 | Article John Chartier Alex Liu Nikolaus Raberger Rui Silva Companies pursuing revenue synergies can’t take them for granted. Leaders need a clear grasp of where those synergies lie—and ...
5. To discover the solution to, especially after considerable effort: crack a code. 6. To cause (the voice) to crack. 7. Informal To tell (a joke), especially on impulse or in an effective manner. 8. To cause to have a mental or physical breakdown. 9. To impair or destroy: Their...
Cracking-The-Code Of Infallible ‘Net Profits On Demand’FormulaThat Consistently Humiliates SeasonedBusiness Professionals (Making Him And His Lucky Clients Millions Of Dollars (So Far) In 4 Short Years?)” …Thefirsttime, you can call it “luck” – ...
She fell and cracked a bone in her leg. 她摔了一跤,摔裂了一根腿骨。 【例句】 He cracked a couple of eggs into a pan. 他往平底锅里打了几个鸡蛋。 2. 【释义】 SOUND声音,[I,T]to make a quick loud sound like the sound of something breaking, or to make something do this ...