bones终于来了个对手啊~~~哈哈~~这样有点挑战也不错~一味的说她那么厉害也有点太不真实了Lead_A_Life 英俊豌豆 8 据我的英文水准来看,聚餐的视频中booth说会很危险,然后bones就直接说“I'm not goning to the field”,小甜甜还不信呢!两人很体贴啊!犯罪现场的视频中,好像凶手把受害者的脊椎重组了讨论...
Bones 706 ..我懒得再弄一张图,直接把某剧一起放上来~~~做做对比嘛,谁叫他那么喜欢和Bones拉关系啊!!踩着人家头上上的不会有好下场的。下周如果还是这样,我们就能提前看到Bones罗。
Our goal is to pay our authors SFWA professional rate of .08 a word. Authors deserve p | Check out 'A Crack in the Code: Cybertronic Stories' on Indiegogo.
Kaspersky Total Security antivirus program runs the gamut from the bare-bones Kaspersky Free to the full-featured Kaspersky Total Security. This helpful tool can synchronize your passwords over multiple devices, create excellent credentials, and fill out web forms. [Lifetime Crack] Kaspersky Total Se...
A "Crack" could refer to a minor bone fracture, whereas a "Fissure" might describe a long, narrow opening in the skin or between bones. For instance, an anal fissure would refer to a tear in the lining of the anus, which is more specific than merely stating a crack. 13 Both "Crack...
Bones, geology, construction materials. 12 Compare with Definitions Crack A slight opening caused by a split in a solid object. A crack in the window pane appeared after the storm. 8 Fracture Fracture a bone of; I broke my foot while playing hockey 9 Crack A narrow fissure in rock or ea...
chemical corrosion, lightweight nature, and impressive strength-to-weight ratio. Its biocompatibility makes it an ideal material for medical applications such as implants, prosthetics, and artificial bones, while its strength and durability make it indispensable in aerospace engineering and precision ...
crack (of bones) crujido m to give sb a fair crack of the whip darle todas las oportunidades a alguien 3. crack C (blow): crack golpe m 4. crack (instant): at the crack of dawn al amanecer at the crack of dawn al despuntar el día liter at the crack of dawn al rayar...
Recent advances of crack propagation in human bone Recent results in mathematical modeling predicting crack behavior under various load conditions in human bones as anisotropic elastic composite materials a... E Craciun,R Cergan,S Dragosloveanu - 《Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Ovidius Constan...
What does the sinkhole represent in The Lovely Bones? What does the Prospector symbolize in The Glass Castle? In A Lesson Before Dying, what is the significance of entering the Pichot house through the back door? What does the whistler symbolize in The Book Thief?