扩展CRA的自动电话服务 联邦税务机构还计划扩展其通过电话进行的SimpleFile服务——之前称为File My Return——合资格的个人可以通过回答CRA代理人的几个问题来提交报税表。 报告显示,从2018年到2023年,CRA向被分类为低收入或固定收入且有简...
A pre-assessment review is a pretty standard practice conducted by the CRA after you file your tax return. It'll happen before the official assessment. During this process, the CRA scrutinizes your return for any discrepancies or missing information to make sure your return looks correct. If th...
Navigating income tax as a self-employed business owner can feel overwhelming, but the T4002 guide from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) provides everything you need to handle your tax return with confidence. Whether you’re reporting business income, professional income, farming income, or fishing...
商品和服务税/统一销售税(GST/HST) 抵免额是季度补贴付款。旨在帮助中低收入的加拿大个人和家庭抵消他们所缴纳的税款。 根据标准: • 如果单身,最高可领 496 加币 • 已婚或有同居伴侣,最高可领 650 加币 • 19 岁以下每位儿童 171 加币 发钱日期: • 2024 年 1 月 5 日 • 2024 年 4 月 5...
return or schedule Name of line from return or schedule Previous amount +– Amount of change Revised amount – GST/HST credit 0 + 1 (Yes) 1 (Yes) Area D: Certification • Make sure either you or your authorized representative signs and dates the request for a change to your return....
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