3. Fill Out a GST HST Return: You can get the GST HST return form (GST34-2) from the CRA. The return contains two crucial parts- line 105 for the GST HST collected or that becomes collectible and line 108 for claiming your input tax credits (ITCs). Use the information from your ...
is a GST/HST registrant and has already claimed an ITC. Any price reduction you make does not include a refund, adjustment, or credit of GST/HST, and you or the customer do not have to issue a credit or debit note for GST/HST purposes or make any adjustment on your GST/HST return....
The GST/HST you have collected will be remitted to the CRA by completing a GST/HST return. You can claim the input tax credits for the GST/HST you paid or owe on purchases and expenses you use, consume, or supply in your commercial activities using the GST/HST return form. What is ...
during which you file your tax returns. It is important to remember the date your business was registered with the CRA, as it determines when that reporting period will take place.
link return values and state change transition values as strings. - The LATENCY TRACER has seen a few improvements: trace records now contain timestamps which is useful to plot things over time, and downstream synchronisation time is now excluded from the measured values. - Miniobject re...