For the latest on CQC’s monitoring approach please visit ourupdated guidance pages. We are expecting new responsibilities related to Local Authority assurance and Integrated Care System oversight through the Health and Care Bill.Watch this video for more information....
At time of writing, CQC says it is still developing further guidance to flesh out some of the detail around how the new approach will work in practice. However, CQC's plan is to go live with the new Single Assessment Framework from 21 November, starting in its South region (which compris...
4. CQC UK. "Guidance Regulation - How we reach a rating." "Our judgements go through quality assurance processes. For services that have not previously been inspected or rated, we will need to assess all quality statements in a key question before we publish the rating. For newly registered...
In many of the inspections where care homes were deemed to require improvement, a lack of standards around keeping up to date records was noted. Specific examples include; care files not containing clear and up to date guidance to enable staff to meet residents’ needs, records not being updat...
guidance to help you. It will help you to focus on the day-to-day nutrition and hydration needs of people using a service while you are observing care, and highlight the extent to which the support and care they receive is person-centred. The guidance and prompts are generic, so that ...
Currently, when applying to register, a provider must tell us if theydo planto provide specialist services for people with a learning disability and autistic people. We then assess their application against ourRight Support, right care, right culture(RSRCRC) guidance. We do this to ensure their...