If the CQC finds that a care provider is providing inadequate care to clients they have an enforcement policy to help them protect those receiving care. They can issue warning notices which require the care provider to present an action plan showing how they are going to improve. If the findi...
4. CQC UK. "Guidance Regulation - How we reach a rating." "Our judgements go through quality assurance processes. For services that have not previously been inspected or rated, we will need to assess all quality statements in a key question before we publish the rating. For newly registered...
At time of writing, CQC says it is still developing further guidance to flesh out some of the detail around how the new approach will work in practice. However, CQC's plan is to go live with the new Single Assessment Framework from 21 November, starting in its South region (which compris...
Your premises are appropriate to deliver personal care Other key information includes your Statement of Purpose, DBS checks, references and evidence of financial viability. More details below. How to become a CQC registered manager The CQC has providedextensive guidance on how to become a CQC regist...
Currently, when applying to register, a provider must tell us if theydo planto provide specialist services for people with a learning disability and autistic people. We then assess their application against ourRight Support, right care, right culture(RSRCRC) guidance. We do this to ensure their...
Locations whose match the value of the careHome attribute (Y or N) careHome string Include only locations where the value of the attribute careHome matches the value of this parameter (Y or N) ReturnsLocations related to the given Provider idOperation ID: ProviderLocations Retrieve...
existing guidance for providers for each sector information about ourmonitoring approachto improve how we prioritise our regulatory activity our Chief Inspectors'statement of 24 March 2021, setting out priorities for the year for each sector.