The world record for the 5-second test is 14 CPS of a person named Jordan Hum. This means the click is 70 clicks in 5 seconds. 另一方面,您可以玩点击测试游戏来放松心情。点击测试的一些用户希望提高他们的游戏鼠标速度。这就是他们使用点击测试的原因。事实上,点击测试是一种独特的游戏,您可以在多个...
Count the number of mouse clicks per second and find out how fast you are Timer Your Score:0 Click Here to Start Playing Try Different CPS Timeframes 3 Second Test4 Second Test5 Second Test10 Second Test15 Second Test30 Second Test60 Second Test100 Second Test ...
The Click Speed Test website measures the number of clicks you make per second. Check CPS Test online (kohi click test) to see how fast you can click in seconds.
Take clicks per second test (CPS Test) to measure your clicking speed. Our click speed test challenges you to click as fast as possible for set time periods.
Want to test how fast you really are? Try the clicks per second tool and challenge your speed to improve instantly!.
A CPS test measures the number of clicks you can do on your mouse in a set amount of time. It's a simple yet addictive game that tells you how fast (or slow) you can click before the time's up. The CPS test tool allows you to test your clicks per second and determine your scor...
CPS鼠标点击速度测试(Clicks Per Second)是衡量每秒点击次数的专业工具,适用于电竞玩家、办公效率优化及手速训练者。通过在线测试页面,用户可自由选择1秒至60秒计时模式,实时显示平均CPS值及峰值数据,支持左键/右键/滚轮多模式点击。测试工具兼容PC、手机端,提供点击
How to use the CPS testSelect test time in seconds or press one of the preset buttons. Click the + button or spacebar until the test time reaches zero. View the clicks per second (CPS) and clicks per minute (CPM) result values. Click the new test button to restart test. Check the ...
Click Speed Test, or CPS test, measures your clicking speed! Can you beat the clock and make the most clicks in just 5 seconds!
Test your CPS right now! This simple CPS (Clicks per Second) test allows you to check your clicking speed.