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CPS测试,全称点击每秒测试(Clicks Per Second Test),是一种在线测试,用于测量用户在特定时间内单击鼠标或触碰屏幕的能力。这项测试通常用于评估用户的手眼协调能力、反应速度和肌肉耐力。CPS测试可以用于比较不同用户之间的技能水平,或者跟踪某个用户随时间的变化。 CPS测试通常包含以下元素: 一个倒计时,让用户为测试做...
Test your CPS right now! This simple CPS (Clicks per Second) test allows you to check your clicking speed.
The game CPS Test or CPS Tester is designed to count the clicking speed of a mouse in various time frames. 0 定时器 0 点击/秒 0 分数 点击这里开始玩 启动模式 点击速度测试旨在计算或检查鼠标在不同时间间隔的点击速度。如何提高点击速度?是这里出现的主要问题。
Clicks Per Second 是一款练习快速点击的有趣游戏。点击速度测试将非常有用,因为它允许游戏玩家计算出他们每秒实现的点击次数,这可能有助于他们玩视频游戏。 如果你想提高点击速度,可以使用这个CPS Test来练习。您可以尝试在设定的时间内尽可能快地单击。
CPS Test (0) 292 个用户 高效工作 与你的浏览器兼容 描述 Take the CPS test and find out how fast can you click. CPS (clicks per second) is an important metric for gamers and the CPS Test Pro helps them measure, practice and improve their clicks per second speed...
This APP is designed to accurately determine your click-through rate. Click speed is usually measured in CPS (clicks per second in English). The number of CPS i…
Click per second testindicates the number of times a person can click a mouse in a certain period of time, that is mostly, in seconds. Clicking speed test is also known as mouse click counter because that’s what it does; count the number of clicks in a specific period of time. The ...
The Click Speed Test website measures the number of clicks you make per second. Check CPS Test online (kohi click test) to see how fast you can click in seconds.
This CPS test reveals your Clicks Per Second in 3x9 different modes now! Also, get to know how fast you can click with a detailed click-tracking-map.