CPS(Cancer Prognostic Score)评分系统是一种用于评估肿瘤患者预后的指标,它将患者的临床病理特征(包括肿瘤大小、淋巴结转移情况和肿瘤分级)转化为一个分数,以预测患者的生存期。CPS评分系统的具体计算方法如下:1. 肿瘤大小:根据肿瘤的最大直径进行评分,直径小于或等于2厘米得2分,大于2厘米但小于或等于5厘米得3...
3. Yamashita K, Iwatsuki M, Harada K, et al. Prognostic impacts of the combined positive score and the tumor proportion score for programmed death ligand-1 expression by double immunohistochemical staining in patients with advanced gas...
3. Yamashita K, Iwatsuki M, Harada K, et al. Prognostic impacts of the combined positive score and the tumor proportion score for programmed death ligand-1 expression by double immunohistochemical staining in patients with advanced gastr...
3. Yamashita K, Iwatsuki M, Harada K, et al. Prognostic impacts of the combined positive score and the tumor proportion score for programmed death ligand-1 expression by double immunohistochemical staining in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer. 2020;23(1):95-104. 4. Moehler...
5. Lung Cancer Group of China Anti-Cancer Association Tumor Pathology Professional Committee, Lung Cancer Professional Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association, PD-L1 Detection Consensus Expert Group. Consensus of Chinese Experts on Immunohistochemical Detection of PD-L1 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer...
Health-Related Quality of Life With Nivolumab Plus Chemotherapy Versus Chemotherapy in Patients With Advanced Gastric/Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer or Esophageal Adenocarcinoma From CheckMate 649 (Journal of Clinical Oncology, IF:45.3) Moehler M, Xiao H, Blum SI, Elimova E, Cella D, Shitara K, ...
485P Heterogeneity and dynamic changes of PD-L1 expression and CPS score in patients with gastroesophageal malignanciesdoi:10.1016/j.annonc.2024.05.397M.E. SalemAtrium Health, Levine Cancer Institute, Charlotte, DC, USAS. WuCaris Life Sciences - Headquarters, Irving, TX, USAJ. Xiu...
TPS(Tumor cell Proportion Score),在肿瘤靶向药物基因解码中是指肿瘤细胞阳性比例分数。定义为任何强度PD-L1膜染色肿瘤细胞占肿瘤细胞的百分比。TPS=任何强度PD-L1膜染色阳性肿瘤细胞数/肿瘤细胞总数*100%。 CPS(Combined Positive Score),肿瘤靶向药物基因解码是指联合阳性分数。为每100个肿瘤细胞中PD-L1染色的肿瘤细...
主编:Samuel C. Mok, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA 期刊主题涵盖癌症治疗和免疫疗法、癌症生物标志物、流行病学和预防、肿瘤微环境、癌症病因和筛查、诊断和护理、癌症分子生物学等肿瘤学领域的各个方面。目前,期刊已被SCIE、Scopus、pubmed等重要数据库收录。
forward to the European Commission’s decision and are excited to potentially provide an immunotherapy regimen to patients in the EU with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic HER2-negative gastric or gastroeso...