分别是 unsigned char、unsigned short、unsigned int、unsigned long 和unsigned long long 的最大值 (宏常量) BITINT_MAXWIDTH (C23) 类型说明符 _BitInt(N) 的位精确整数的声明所能支持的最大宽度 N,大于或等于 ULLONG_WIDTH (宏常量) 库类型别名的极限 在标头 <stdint.h> 定义 PTRDIFF_WIDTH...
MB_LEN_MAX 多字节字符的最大字节数 (宏常量) CHAR_MIN char的最小值 (宏常量) CHAR_MAX char的最大值 (宏常量) SCHAR_MINSHRT_MININT_MINLONG_MINLLONG_MIN (C++11) 分别是signedchar、short、int、long和longlong的最小值 (宏常量) SCHAR_MAXSHRT_MAXINT_MAXLONG_MAXLLONG_MAX ...
intmax_t ※ ptrdiff_t N/A o Converts an unsigned integer into octal representation oooo. Precision specifies the minimum number of digits to appear. The default precision is 1. If both the converted value and the precision are 0 the conversion results in no characters. ...
shortSHRT_MAX unsignedshortUSHRT_MAX intINT_MAX unsignedintUINT_MAX longLONG_MAX unsignedlongULONG_MAX longlong(since C++11)LLONG_MAX unsignedlonglong(since C++11)ULLONG_MAX floatFLT_MAX doubleDBL_MAX longdoubleLDBL_MAX Example Demonstrates the use ofmax()with some fundamental types and some s...
atomic_intmax_t (自 C++11 起) std::atomicstd::intmax_t (typedef) atomic_uintmax_t (自 C++11 起) std::atomicstd::uintmax_t (typedef) 特殊用途类型的别名 atomic_signed_lock_free (自 C++20 起) 一个有符号的整数原子类型,该类型是无锁的,并且等待/通知最有效 (typedef) ...
<int, 3> a2 = {1, 2, 3}; // double braces never required after =std::array<std::string, 2> a3 = { std::string("a"), "b" };// container operations are supportedstd::sort(a1.begin(), a1.end());std::reverse_copy(a2.begin(), a2.end(),std::ostream_iterator<int>(std...
max_size returns the maximum possible number of elements (public member function) reserve reserves storage (public member function) capacity returns the number of elements that can be held in currently allocated storage (public member function) ...
last_name); return h1 ^ (h2 << 1); } }; int main() { std::string s1 = "Hubert"; std::string s2 = "Farnsworth"; std::hash<std::string> h1; S n1; n1.first_name = s1; n1.last_name = s2; std::cout << "hash(s1) = " << h1(s1) << "\n" << "hash(s2) = "...
intmax_t strtoimax( const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base ); (C99 起) uintmax_t strtoumax( const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base ); (C99 起) 转译nptr 所指向的字节字符串中的值。 舍弃所有空白符(以调用 isspace() 鉴别),直到找到首个非空...