int64_t分别是宽度正好是 8、16、32 和 64 位的有符号整数类型 无填充位并对负值使用补码 (只有在实现直接支持该类型时才会提供) int_fast8_t int_fast16_t int_fast32_t int_fast64_t分别是宽度至少有 8、16、32 和 64 位的最快的有符号整数类型 ...
int8_tint16_tint32_tint64_t (可选) 分别是宽度正好是 8、16、32 和 64 位的有符号整数类型 无填充位并对负值使用补码 (当且仅当实现直接支持该类型时才会提供) (typedef) int_fast8_tint_fast16_tint_fast32_tint_fast64_t 分别是宽度至少有 8、16、32 和 64 位的最快的有符号整数类型 ...
int32_t int64_tsigned integer type with width of exactly 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively with no padding bits and using 2's complement for negative values (provided only if the implementation directly supports the type) int_fast8_t ...
atomic_int64_t (自 C++11 起)(可选) std::atomicstd::int64_t (typedef) atomic_uint64_t (自 C++11 起)(可选) std::atomicstd::uint64_t (typedef) atomic_int_least8_t (自 C++11 起) std::atomicstd::int_least8_t (typedef) atomic_uint_least8_t (自 C++11 起) std::atomicstd:...
int8_tint16_tint32_tint64_t (optional) signed integer type with width of exactly 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively with no padding bits and using 2's complement for negative values (provided if and only if the implementation directly supports the type) ...
uint16_t 32 4 16-bits unsigned int 4 int32_t 32 4 32-bits signed int 9 uint32_t 32 4 32-bits unsigned int 9 int64_t 64 8 64-bits signed int 18 uint64_t 64 8 64-bits unsigned int 18Sample code for showing numeric limits:File...
typedef intint32_t typedef unsigned long longuint64_t typedef long longint64_t typedefsub_match< char const * >csub_match typedefsub_match< std::string::const_iterator >ssub_match typedefmatch_results< char const * >cmatch typedefmatch_results< std::string::const_iterator >smatch ...
hazelcast::client::topic::reliable_listener make_listener(std::atomic<int> &n_received_messages, int64_t sequence_id = -1) { using namespace hazelcast::client::topic; return reliable_listener(false, sequence_id) .on_received([&n_received_messages](message &&message){ ++n_received_messages;...
{ std::cout << std::boolalpha; std::cout << std::is_same<int, int32_t>::value << '\n'; // true std::cout << std::is_same<int, int64_t>::value << '\n'; // false std::cout << std::is_same<float, int32_t>::value << '\n'; // false print_separator(); std...
namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::column_major { void spmv(sycl::queue &queue, oneapi::mkl::uplo upper_lower, std::int64_t n, T alpha, sycl::buffer<T,1> &a, sycl::buffer<T,1> &x, std::int64_t incx, T beta, sycl::buffer<T,1> &y, std::int64_t incy) } ...