typedef uint8_t (DEFAULT_CALL *PInvokeFunc) (Boss_t2_marshaled); Boss_t2_marshaled ___b_marshaled = { 0 }; Boss_t2_marshal(___b, ___b_marshaled); uint8_t _return_value = _il2cpp_pinvoke_func(___b_marshaled); Boss_t2_marshal_cleanup(___b_marshaled); return _return_value; }...
uint8_t tensor_data[]; }; 在gguf_file_t中包含了header信息和Tensorinfos信息,其中header信息中包含了文件类型、文件版本、Tensor数量、超参数等信息。gguf_tensor_info_t则包含了名字、形状、类型、offset等信息。那么一个ggml文件将类似于下面这样: {头信息: {文件类型、文件版本、Tensor数量、参数数量、参数...
00000000000000ae t _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN4Base5fun_bEv 0000000000000058 t _Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii 0000000000000000 T _ZN4Base5fun_bEv 000000000000002c T _ZN4Base5fun_cEv U _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev U _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev U _ZSt4cout 0000000000000000 b _ZStL8__io...
union Uint8 { unsigned char value; struct { unsigned char least_significant_byte : 8; }; }; int main() { Uint8 u = {0x12}; // 使用结构化绑定访问联合体的成员 std::cout << u.least_significant_byte << std::endl; std::array<int, 3> a = {1, 2, 3}; // 使用结构化绑定访问...
modbus_send_raw_request(mb,(uint8_t*)buf.data(),buf.size()); } void MainWindow::readRAWData(QByteArray &rb) { QByteArray buf; buf.resize(MODBUS_RTU_MAX_ADU_LENGTH); int len = _receive_msg_raw(mb,(uint8_t*)buf.data()); ...
// 编译正确,但new和delete不配套 std::unique_ptr<uint8_t> ptr(new uint8_t[10]); std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> ptr(new uint8_t); // 非异常安全: 编译器可能按如下顺序计算参数: // 1. 分配 Foo 的内存, // 2. 构造 Foo, // 3. 调用 Bar, // 4. 构造 unique_ptr<Foo>. //...
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size); extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerInitialize(int * /*argc*/, char *** /*argv*/); // <--- // It reads all files passed as parameters and feeds their contents // one by one into the fuzz target (LLVMFuzzerTestOn...
cpp">typedefunsignedcharuint8;//Bytetypedefunsignedshortuint16;typedefunsignedintuint32;typedefunsignedlonglonguint64; 类型名;字节数(bit=4*byte);在蓝图中对应的类型 int32 : 4byte : Integer int64 : 8byte : Integer64 float : 4byte : Float ...
int CModbusArduinoHardwareSerial::read(uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_size) { if (!m_serial) return 0;// check how many characters are available int a = m_serial->available(); if (a <= 0) return a; // nothing to do// make sure we don't over-run the end of the buffer...
buffer1_size=width*height/8; buffer2_size=buffer1_size; if(SRCS>=0){ use_sram=true; buffer1_addr=0; buffer2_addr=buffer1_size; buffer1=buffer2=NULL; }else{ buffer1=(uint8_t*)malloc(buffer1_size); buffer2=(uint8_t*)malloc(buffer2_size); ...