intN_t:宽度恰好为 N 位的带符号整型,如int32_t。 int_fastN_t:宽度至少有 N 位的最快的带符号整型。 int_leastN_t:宽度至少有 N 位的最小的带符号整型。 无符号版本只需在有符号版本前加一个 u 即可,如uint32_t。 INT32_MAX和INT32_MIN分别为int32_t的最大值和最小值。 注意:混用定宽整数...
DEFAULTS_INIT_TYPE(int32_class, "System", "Int32", int32_t); DEFAULTS_INIT_TYPE(uint32_class, "System", "UInt32", uint32_t); DEFAULTS_INIT(uint_class, "System", "UIntPtr"); DEFAULTS_INIT_TYPE(int_class, "System", "IntPtr", intptr_t); DEFAULTS_INIT_TYPE(int64_class, "System... requested to merge 324-c-uint32_t into master 9 months ago Overview 0 Commits 1 Pipelines 0 Changes 1 Closes #324 (closed) 0 0 Merge request reports Checking pipeline status. Approval is optional Merged by 9 months ago (Apr 22, 2024 3:18am ...
const std::string & topic, uint32_t queue_size, bool latch = false ) ros::NodeHandle handle; ros::Publisher pub = handle.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("my_topic", 1); topic: 话题 queue_size: 队列大小 latch: 可空,默认为false; 如果为true,当有一个新的订阅者时,会向新的订阅者发送最后...
On any given platform, by the definition of uint_least32_t, the width of type char32_t can be greater than 32 bits, but the actual values stored in an object of type char32_t will always have a width of 32 bits. Example Run this code #include <stdio.h> #include <uchar.h> in...
}voiddeallocate(T* p,size_tn ){operatordelete(p); } };intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){ std::vector<int, MyAllocator<int>> a; a.push_back(10); std::cout <<" addr mod 32 is "<<reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>( %32<< std::endl; ...
master tetanus dev cleanup/printf-z cleanup/suggest-braces someara cleanup/readdir_r someara-rpi sso-update dev-multithread-io honda-dev central-controller windows-route-metrics root 1.10.2 1.10.1 1.10.0 1.8.10 1.8.9 1.8.8 1.8.7 1.8.6 1.8.5 1.8.4 1.8.3 1.8.2 1.8.1 1.6.6-fixed-...
typedef intptr_t Py_intptr_t; vcstdint.h 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 //预编译判断操作系统类型#ifdef _WIN64// [如果是64位操作系统typedef __int64 intptr_t;typedef unsigned __int64 uintptr_t;#else// _WIN64 ][32位操作系统typedef _W64 int intptr_t;type...
static uint32_t ggml_get_numa_affinity(void) { return 0; // no NUMA support } #endifvoid ggml_numa_init(enum ggml_numa_strategy numa_flag) { if (g_state.numa.n_nodes > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ggml_numa_init: NUMA already initialized\n");@@ -2002,6 +2024,13 @@ void ggml...
Change type of n_threads and n_threads_batch from uint32_t to int32 in native extension codes. Implementation bindings for llama_attach_threadpool and llama_detach_threadpool have been skipped. [0.17.9] - 2024-08-31 Change supported llama.cpp version to b3639. ...