搜索 您好!请登录注册 Download 文件标题 :CP210x_VCP_Windows.rar 文件类型 :rar 上传时间 :2024-03-04 17:27:18 下载次数 :66 文件大小 :3.55MB 更新时间 :2020-07-06 11:35:00 详细介绍
驱动cp2102 usb to uart bridge controller driver,支持 Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/7/8/8.1 (v6.7)。
CP210x_VCP_Windows8 64位驱动(已验证)立即下载 举报资源相关资源单片机控制步进电机驱动器工作原理 Windows驱动开发技术详解(pdf书.源代码) 竹林蹊径:深入浅出Windows驱动开发 液晶屏驱动板的原理与维修代换方法 内核态Java虚拟机的安全设备驱动模型的研究与设计 PDP显示驱动电路设计 脉冲驱动变压器设计 形状记忆合金...
CP210x_VCP_Windows UART-USB驱动,x64,x86系统都有。当初换过还几个,还是这个原味的比较好使 上传者:xy_ghcc2时间:2018-03-01 CP210x_win7_win10_64.rar 支持win7/win10/64位的串口驱运程序CP210x,亲测可用,安装十分方便,只需按提示单击下一步即可。
上传者:bicici时间:2012-03-16 CP210X FOR WIN XP 常用的USB转换232的驱动程序,适合WINDOWS95 WINDOWS XP WINDOWS2000 上传者:SMALLFISH1972时间:2010-09-22 CP210x_VCP_Win_XP_S2K3_Vista_7.exe 某风电设备变流器光纤转换USB链接驱动, 上传者:weixin_48200118时间:2020-05-28...
Looks like it still uses the default VID and PID value. Have you ever tried to uninstall the VCP driver and then install the stock driver again? Need to install the VCP driverv6.7that supports Windows XP. http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Pages/USBtoUARTBridgeVCPDrivers.aspx ...
USB-CAN驱动,CP210x_VCP_Windows调试工具立即下载 举报资源相关资源单片机控制步进电机驱动器工作原理 液晶屏驱动板的原理与维修代换方法 内核态Java虚拟机的安全设备驱动模型的研究与设计 PDP显示驱动电路设计 基于遗传算法的汽车驱动轴多目标轻量化优化设计 基于foc的四旋翼无人机电机驱动系统设计与实现 QVGAAM-OLED...
I had to install the driver recently to connect the ZCU102 board to a computer with no Vivado Installation (that often installs the driver already). I downloaded the driver here:https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=down...
The CP210x Manufacturing DLL and Runtime DLL have been updated and must be used with v 6.0 and later of the CP210x Windows VCP Driver. Application Note Software downloads affected are AN144SW.zip, AN205SW.zip and AN223SW.zip. If you are using a 5.x driver and need support you can...
The CP210x Manufacturing DLL and Runtime DLL have been updated and must be used with v 6.0 and later of the CP210x Windows VCP Driver. Application Note Software downloads affected are AN144SW.zip, AN205SW.zip and AN223SW.zip. If you are using a 5.x driver and need support you can...