Cow jokes, cow jokes and more cow jokes, I mooved the Earth to compile a list of over 150 funny cow jokes, puns and one liners. I really milked the Internet searching for these mooving jokes. Before you moove on to another jokes page, why not become part of the herd and share som...
Cow Jokes and Riddles What do you get from a pampered cow?(Spoiled milk!) What do you call a cow with two legs?(Lean beef!) What do you call a cow with no legs?(Ground beef!) Where do cows go for entertainment?(To the moo-vies!) What do you get when you cross an ...
Lean beef.71. If a cow is cold, you get a milkshake. But what do you get when the cow is even colder? A dead cow.72. I saw a cow spontaneously catch on fire the other day.Guess you could call it a rare experience.73. I’d tell you a cow joke… But I would probably ...
These funny cow jokes are udderly hilarious! From cow-themed lines to tell at a party to silly jokes to tell kids, this pun-filled list is full of laughs.
“Apparently the kids made a mad dash to run out the front door,” Ryan Thomas, co-owner of Stone Oven Pizza, tells “Then one of the kids ran past the order window, reached in the tip bowl, grabbed all the money out of it and got through the door, at which point...