In September 2022, the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Research Center was established, strengthening CoVaSC's initiatives. The center has conducted various studies on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. During CoVaSC's second research year, from September 29, 2022 to July 19, 2...
"The extensive nationwide rollout of Israel's COVID-19 vaccination campaign provided the Clalit Research Institute with a unique opportunity to assess, through its rich and comprehensive digital datasets, the safety of the vaccine in a real-world setting, without needing to rely on individual-driven...
These findings offer reassurance regarding vaccine safety, particularly since adverse neonatal health outcomes can have long-term effects, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes for babies born SGA or LGA. Looking ahead, Dr. Woestenberg emphasizes the need for more...
China has always given top priority to the safety of its COVID-19 vaccines. According to Wang Junzhi, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering and an expert in the vaccine R&D team of the State Council joint COVID-19 prevention and control mechanism, China has a complete regula...
This study is a Phase 3 trial, which occur toward the end of vaccine development after completing smaller Phase 1 and Phase 2 safety and effectiveness studies. The purpose of this Phase 3 trial is to learn more about an investigational vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19. COVID-19 is ...
COVID-19 severity, breakthrough infections and vaccine safety in young individuals with autoimmune diseases: insights from the COVAD study Notwithstanding the wealth of literature on COVID-19, studies focusing on young adults with autoimmune diseases (AD) are lacking. To determine early (withi......
The clinical studies involving hundreds of volunteers have shown that the safety of the vaccine among the target group is as good as in adults. They also developed similar antibody levels, he added. China now has a total of 21 COVID-19 vaccines in clinical trials, accord...
Additionally, postmarketing safety surveillance is essential to detect rare or severe vaccine-associated adverse events, particularly because of the large numbers of individuals exposed. A primary method for postmarketing vaccine safety surveillance is voluntary reporting through the Vaccine Adverse Event ...
VAC4COVID was a UK-wide online study, run by MEMO Research at the University of Dundee, to track COVID-19 vaccines and provide data to support vaccine monitoring. The aim of the study was to learn about how people receiving COVID-19 vaccinations in the UK felt before and after ...
Previous studies have shown the safety of COVID-19 vaccination in patients with cardiovascular diseases including heart failure, and that COVID-19 outcomes are worse in patients with heart failure compared to those without heart failure. However, there has been little research on how vaccines work...