The Solomon Islands has received a batch of Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccine on Sunday, the first among Pacific island countries. Chinese Ambassador to the Solomon Islands Li Ming said at the handover ceremony that the vaccines brought Chinese people's friendship and hope to fight the...
The article draws on insight from three studies on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy within Scotland's African, Caribbean, and Black communities between March 2021 and April 2022. The article off ers new insight into why some communities hesitate to respond to public health messages such as vaccine ...
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, which is based on BioNTech’s proprietary mRNA technology, was developed by both BioNTech and Pfizer. BioNTech is the Marketing Authorization Holder in the United States, the European Union, ...
A high COVID-19 vaccine uptake is essential to achieve herd immunity to combat the current strain of COVID-19 and potential future variants. This review aimed to identify factors associated with public intention to receive COVID-19 vaccines until Februar
Researchers found that people with antibodies from natural infections were “at much lower risk ... on the order of the same kind of protection you’d get from an effective vaccine,” of getting the virus again, said Dr. Ned Sharpless, director of the U.S. National Cancer In...
vaccine to vaccinated nursing home residents, but what will have an even bigger impact on protecting those nursing home residents is to vaccinate their caregivers,”tweeted Celine Gounder, an infectious diseases doctor at Bellevue Hospital Center and former adviser to the Biden campaign on CO...
COVID-19 vaccines may provide protection for at least a year, and possibly even a lifetime, to people who were previously exposed to the virus, two new studies suggest. Ad Both studies looked at people who had been exposed to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ab...
COVID-19: Pathogenesis and Pharmacological Basis for Use of Passive Antibody Therapy Background Coronaviruses (CoVs), having enveloped RNA of positive strand, are mainly responsible for enzootic infections in mammals. The mortality of CoVs ... S Ojha,H Chadha,S Mahor - 《Current Drug Therapy...
The frequency of, and risk factors for, long COVID are unclear among community-based individuals with a history of COVID-19. To elucidate the burden and possible causes of long COVID in the community, we coordinated analyses of survey data from 6907 indi
The latest COVID-19 pandemic has forced most of the countries to in state lockdown since there was no antidote for this virus until recent vaccine launch from Pfizer. Protecting from the virus only achieved by keeping social distance, wearing masks and ensuring personal hygiene. While the entire...