Through six waves of COVID-19 in Japan, the number of cases and deaths per capita has been significantly lower than in other G7 countries. This is despite having the world’s oldest population, and being densely packed. Yes, Japan has high vaccination rates, especially for older people, an...
The new figure means that Peru has had 5551 covid deaths per million population, proportionally the worst official toll in the world. Hungary, which before this week had the world's highest official toll per capita, now stands a distant second at 3094 deaths per million. More than 0.5% of...
South Dakota, Pennsylvania and Arkansas saw the most deaths per capita, with more than 8 deaths for every 100,000 in the population. Across the United States, 10.3% of tests came back positive for the virus, according to data from The COVID Tracking Project. Twenty-...
CNN responded with a measure of deaths per capita that is instead connected with the case mortality rate (CMR), which is the number of deaths divided by a total number of people. But what is the impact on people’s attitudes, policy preferences and behaviours of these different ways to ...
Highly diverse rural communities17have experienced 1.6 times more COVID-19 deaths per capita than other rural counties. Differences also exist across racial and ethnic minority groups. In rural counties where a single racial or ethnic minority group comprises more than 33 percent of ...
In some states with older populations, COVID-19 deaths remain stubbornly high compared with other states. Vermont had the lowest COVID-19 death rate in the country in 2021 but now ranks fourth in the number of deaths per capita, behind Kentucky, West Virginia and Mississippi. ...
We used the same smoothing model as for COVID-19 deaths and testing per capita to produce estimates of observed mask use. This smoothing process averaged each data point with its neighbors. The level of mask use starting on 21 September 2020 (the last day of processed and analyzed data) ...
As of March 2023, Arizona had the highest COVID death rate in the U.S., with 455 deaths per 100,000 population. Hawaii had the lowest death rate.
Worldwide Deaths by Cause Nearly150,000people die per day worldwide, based on the latest comprehensive research published in 2017. Which diseases are the most deadly, and how many lives do they take per day? Here’s how many people die each day on average, sorted by cause: ...
The death count is the 17th highest in the country overall and the eighth highest per capita at roughly 257 deaths per 100,000 people, and Harris said about 90% of those dying weren't vaccinated. Over the past two weeks, the rolling average number of daily new cases ...