COVID deaths worldwide were highest in Peru, topping a list that compares deaths per million in 210 countries worldwide.
COVID-19 deaths per capita correlated significantly with the percentage of residents reporting Black race (r=0.24; 95% CI 0.19, 0.29; P < 0.005) and with percentage of households living in poverty (r=0.34; 95% CI 0.29, 0.38; P < 0.005). The association between the number of COVID-19...
the Crude Death Rate; an indirectly age-and-sex standardised rate that can be derived even when the breakdown of COVID-19 deaths by age and sex required for direct standardisation is unavailable; the reduction in life expectancy at birth corresponding to the 2020 number of COVID-19 deaths. ...
South Dakota, Pennsylvania and Arkansas saw the most deaths per capita, with more than 8 deaths for every 100,000 in the population. Across the United States, 10.3% of tests came back positive for the virus, according to data from The COVID Tracking Project. Twenty-...
Weekly counts of deaths by jurisdiction and race and Hispanic origin. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed March 10, 2021. 5. Single-race population estimates 2010-2019. CDC WONDER. Accessed...
Commentary: If the U.S. had handled the coronavirus like Europe did, there would be 60,000 fewer deaths in America.
Death rates from COVID-19 in the United States as of March 10, 2023, by state (per 100,000 people) Number of deaths per 100,000 people45545545445444944944444443243243143142942942842842342340640640540540440440440440040039739739439438838838738738138137337336536536136135835835335334634634634634334334234234134134034032732732432432232230...
Transforms the data fromCSSEGISandData/COVID-19into a json file. Available at Updated three times a day using GitHub Actions. The json contains the number of Coronavirus confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases for every country and every...
State-Level COVID-19 Deaths Versus State-Level Population by Race/Ethnicity, Crude and Age Standardized eFigure 2. Explanatory Graphic of Queen Contiguity Weights eFigure 3. Density Plots of Health Factor, SDOH Index, Demographic and Place Variables by CLICs for Each Race and Ethnicity eTable 1...
MILWAUKEE (AP) — The daily update on COVID-19 numbers posted Sunday by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services listed no deaths for the first time since late September.