所谓Covered Call就是持有股票(long stock),并卖出对应的看涨期权(sell call),所以covered call = ...
sell covered call只能说少挣了吧,少挣不能说是亏,这样就失去了平常心,你反过来想短期内这么高收益,已经跑赢很多人了 【option的教训】卖option会赚钱,但会导致少赚钱。好不容易发现的好公司,如果因为卖put导致没买进或者卖call导致被call走了,会因为没有和好公司共同发展,导致少赚钱。 股价在低位便宜的时候,不...
回复@随缘的人生体验: sell covered call就是你本来就想卖正股,只是现在价格没到位,这样可以收个权利金的方式来处理,成功了就卖出了正股,不管是否成功都能收一个权利金。期权是有时间价值的,时间越长的,权利金就越高,比如一年10%-20%的权利金收益,如果本来就想现价卖出,一看一年权利金有10%~20%,也就是又卖出...
Sell Covered Call是一种期权策略,指投资者持有某股票的同时卖出该股票的看涨期权,以收取期权费并保留股票可能的增值或分红,若股票价格上涨到执行价格之上,则需按约定价格卖出股票。 ‘Sell Covered Call’的基本定义 Sell Covered Call是一种期权策略,在这种策略中,投资者首先需要持有...
第一种Sell (covered) call,卖出看涨期权(持有该股票相应数量的股票担保),如果该期权到期未被行权,...
sell-covered-call网络选择权为辅 网络释义 1. 选择权为辅 ...好的软体也许对你是有帮助… 但我是以股票为主 / 选择权为辅 (避险 / Sell Covered Call) 的作法… 所以我本身是没有用到操盘软体…enstai.pixnet.net|基于2个网页 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft...
sell put 和 sell covered call本质上是基于未来现金流折现的价值投资,区别在于期权策略提供了一个,针对你所毛估估出来的价值的买入或卖出的机会,如果这个机会不给你,还白给你权利金。 举个sell put的例子,PDD23012035P,2021年12月6日拼多多股票大跌,股价最低为52美元,23年1月20日35的看空期权价格最高到了7.5...
Why Born To Sell? People like us. Barron's: "A terrific tool for those who generate income by selling calls against existing positions. Born To Sell gives covered call traders some great ideas." TheStreet.com: "One of the best covered call tools I have come across in a long time." ...
The best time to sell covered calls is when the underlying security has neutral to optimistic long-term prospects, with little likelihood of either large gains or large losses. This allows thecall writer to earn a reliable profitfrom the premium. ...
Example of Covered Call vs. Regular Call Suppose an investor is long 500 shares of Company DEF's stock at $8per share. The stock is trading at $10 per share, and the investor is worried about a potential fall in price within six months. The investor can sell five call options against...