所谓Covered Call就是持有股票(long stock),并卖出对应的看涨期权(sell call),所以covered call = ...
sell covered call只能说少挣了吧,少挣不能说是亏,这样就失去了平常心,你反过来想短期内这么高收益,已经跑赢很多人了 【option的教训】卖option会赚钱,但会导致少赚钱。好不容易发现的好公司,如果因为卖put导致没买进或者卖call导致被call走了,会因为没有和好公司共同发展,导致少赚钱。 股价在低位便宜的时候,不...
养成sell covered call的习惯,可以确保闪电打下来时不在场 道本平常 09-24 23:53 设计期权组合就像设计滤波器一样,都是有一定带宽的,超出带宽当然会收益下降甚至亏钱。最简单的滤波器是低通滤波器,就是卖长期PUT(不一定要现金covered,可以用手中其它流动性好的股票covered)。期权操作难于股票是除了对公司内在价值...
Sell Covered Call是一种期权策略,指投资者持有某股票的同时卖出该股票的看涨期权,以收取期权费并保留股票可能的增值或分红,若股票价格上涨到执行价格之上,则需按约定价格卖出股票。 ‘Sell Covered Call’的基本定义 Sell Covered Call是一种期权策略,在这种策略中,投资者首先需要持有...
第一种Sell (covered) call,卖出看涨期权(持有该股票相应数量的股票担保),如果该期权到期未被行权,...
sell put 和 sell covered call 也是价值投资的实践 sell put 和 sell covered call本质上是基于未来现金流折现的价值投资,区别在于期权策略提供了一个,针对你所毛估估出来的价值的买入或卖出的机会,如果这个机会不给你,还白给你权利金。 举个sell put的例子,PDD23012035P,2021年12月6日拼多多股票大跌,股价最低...
Why Born To Sell? People like us. Barron's: "A terrific tool for those who generate income by selling calls against existing positions. Born To Sell gives covered call traders some great ideas." TheStreet.com: "One of the best covered call tools I have come across in a long time." ...
【期权卖方的风险sell covered call/ put】期权裸卖风险:期权的卖方包括卖沽(sell put)和卖购(sell call), 期权的卖方交易是保证金交易的,不需要准备等额的资金。以上证50期权为例,初始保证金比例可能在10...
Example of Covered Call vs. Regular Call Suppose an investor is long 500 shares of Company DEF's stock at $8per share. The stock is trading at $10 per share, and the investor is worried about a potential fall in price within six months. The investor can sell five call options against...
Covered calls: short call position is an obligation to sell a stock if the owner of the call exercises, because you have sold the right to buy to others, and for you it is an obligation If owner of the call does exercise, you receive an assignment notice. If you does receive this not...