Exploratory Data Analysis with R(讲课老师的网上教程)比喻为电影上市前的剪辑。 coursera-exploratory-data-analysis-course-project-1(参考答案) Exploratory Data Analysis Quiz 2 (Week 2的参考答案 )图…
P.S.在之前的时候,Coursera上应该是只有这一门R语言的课,近期(现在是2021.6.3)似乎多了个谷歌的Data analysis with R,看评论好像还可以?也许可以去试试那门?但我就不会凑这个热闹了。。 23. Autism Spectrum Disorder, UC Davis 这门课还是MOOC的老毛病,其本质是念ppt。不过这门课讲到了自闭症,是一个应该...
Review: This is the third course of theFinancial Management Specialization, a four-module course. Brace yourself because this is a rather intensive one, with extremely long lectures and several peer-reviewed assignments. Don't rush to finish it by skipping the videos and go directly for the hom...
IBM Data Analytics with Excel and R Professional Certificate ['IBM'] https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/ibm-data-analyst-r-excel IBM带Excel和R的数据分析专业证书 Data Analysis and Visualization Foundations Specialization (IBM) ['IBM'] https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-ana...
All of this material is covered in chapters 9-12 of my book Exploratory Data Analysis with R. WEEK 4 This week, we'll look at two case studies in exploratory data analysis. The first involves the use of cluster analysis techniques, and the second is a more involved analysis of some air...
借助 Python 应用数据科学 专项课程 Applied Data Science with Python Specialization Statistics with R ...
In this capstone course, you will apply various data science skills and techniques that you have learned as part of the previous courses in the IBM Data Science with R Specialization or IBM Data Analytics with Excel and R Professional Certificate. For th
Coursera课程之Computing for Data Analysis--Week 2 终于在百忙之中完成了第一阶段的R language的学习,紧张的神经刚刚有一点点的小放松,突然猛地发现Week 2的课程已经在悄无声息中开始了。。。然后在繁忙的工作之余匆匆忙忙的结束了Week2的课程,最后以10分搞定了最后的Quizze......
将run_analysis.R 放入 C:\Users\yourname\Documents\R\UCI HAR Dataset\ 在RStudio 中:setwd("C:\Users\yourname\Documents\R\UCI HAR Dataset\"),然后是:source("run_analysis.R") 使用data <- read.table("data_set_with_the_averages.txt") 读取数据点...
确保文件夹“data”和 run_analysis.R 脚本都在当前工作目录中。 在RStudio 中运行“run_analysis.R”文件后,你会发现在当前工作目录中生成了两个输出文件:-merged_data.txt:它包含一个名为cleanedData的数据框,有10299个obs和68个变量。 data_with_means.txt:它包含一个名为 result 的数据框,其中包含 180 ...