Data Analysis Data Structures Dictionary CSV File Complex Data Software Development Coursera Plus Course Auditing Coursera Rice University Scott Rixner Joe Warren CS: Software Engineering CS: Programming Computer Science USA Beginner 4 Weeks 5-10 Hours/Week Yes, Paid Exam and/or Final ...
Coursera University of Amsterdam Inez Zwetsloot Netherlands Beginner 5-12 Weeks 1-4 Hours/Week Yes, Paid Exam and/or Final Project Paid Certificate 41.00 EUR English Enroll in course MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission....
Exploratory Data Analysis with R(讲课老师的网上教程)比喻为电影上市前的剪辑。 coursera-exploratory-data-analysis-course-project-1(参考答案) Exploratory Data Analysis Quiz 2 (Week 2的参考答案 )图…
2024年9月18日,在Coursera完成“Coursera Project Network”课程《Introduction to Data Analysis using Microsoft Excel》。
Coursera-探索性-数据-分析 #项目2 介绍 细颗粒物 ($PM_{2.5}$) 是一种环境空气污染物,有强有力的证据表明它对人类健康有害。 在美国,环境保护署 (EPA) 的任务是为细颗粒物制定国家环境空气质量标准,并跟踪这种污染物排放到大气中的情况。 EPA 大约每 3 年发布一次有关 $PM_{2.5}$ 排放量的数据库。
Coursera课程之Computing for Data Analysis--Week 2 终于在百忙之中完成了第一阶段的R language的学习,紧张的神经刚刚有一点点的小放松,突然猛地发现Week 2的课程已经在悄无声息中开始了。。。然后在繁忙的工作之余匆匆忙忙的结束了Week2的课程,最后以10分搞定了最后的Quizze......
partnering with more than 200 universities and companies to provide a range of learning opportunities. The platform touts more than 77 million learners around the globe. As you can see below, we broke the best big data courses on Coursera down into categories based on the recommended proficiency...
苹果官网就有 “That dataisused only to improve Siri, and we never share or sell it.” BMI 官网也有“Data aggregation is the process where raw dataisgathered and expressed in a summary form for statistical analysis.” 世界上本没有 data is 这种用法,用的人多了,就有了。
Regression analysis: This is a kind of analysis that helps the data analysts in finding out the connection between dependent variables for the determination of the impact of change in one aspect on the change in another aspect. Factor analysis: The analysis that is done to take large datasets ...
Coursera Plus Course Auditing Coursera Johns Hopkins University Roger D. Peng Jeff Leek Brian Caffo Data Science Statistics & Data Analysis USA Mixed 4 Weeks 11-20 Hours/Week Yes, Paid Exam and/or Final Project Paid Certificate 39.00 EUR/month English Turkish Spanish Russian ...