Define coup de fouet. coup de fouet synonyms, coup de fouet pronunciation, coup de fouet translation, English dictionary definition of coup de fouet. a brilliant stratagem; overturn; upset: His win was quite a coup. Not to be confused with: coop – an en
Define coup d'oeil. coup d'oeil synonyms, coup d'oeil pronunciation, coup d'oeil translation, English dictionary definition of coup d'oeil. n. pl. coups d'oeil A quick survey; a glance. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English
Define coup. coup synonyms, coup pronunciation, coup translation, English dictionary definition of coup. a brilliant stratagem; overturn; upset: His win was quite a coup. Not to be confused with: coop – an enclosure or cage: a chicken coop; a co-op: The
Define coup de theatre. coup de theatre synonyms, coup de theatre pronunciation, coup de theatre translation, English dictionary definition of coup de theatre. n. pl. coups de théâtre 1. A sudden dramatic turn of events in a play. 2. An unexpected an
Define Coup de gras. Coup de gras synonyms, Coup de gras pronunciation, Coup de gras translation, English dictionary definition of Coup de gras. n. pl. coups de grâce 1. A deathblow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded victim. 2. A finish