Under the act, the Agency was charged with adopting a tax ordinance imposing a supplemental sales tax of one-half of 1 percent throughout the County for the purpose of financing the construction of justice facilities. (Id., §§ 26267, 26271-26275.) The act provided for a countywide ...
WAKE COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCEWake, TheSubdivision, CountyCode, Wake CountyOrdinances, GeneralCarolina, NorthCounty, WakeNo, OrdinancePlans, DevelopmentDivision, Permits
provides in part that "[p]roposed areas that are consistent with the current city and county general plans shall be reserved pursuant to the requirements of Public Resources Code sections 41702 fn. 5 and 41720 fn. 6 " (italics added). Subdivision (b) of this regulation provides that propose...
Jackson county subdivision moratorium ordinance draft: 2 february 2007 page 1County, JacksonMoratorium, Subdivision
Access Classification: A classification assigned to each roadway segment reflecting the existing and/or preferred degree of access management. Among the factors considered in determining the access classification of a roadway are functional classification, existing medians and access control, subdivision of...
Amended Section 509 of the MPC to clarify the amount of financial security that municipalities should retain to cover the cost of remaining improvements on a subdivision or land development. This amendment took effect in February 2022 What we’re looking for in our communities among other things ...
Hood River County : Subdivision ordinanceHood River County (Or.)
Sherman County zoning, subdivision, partitioning, and land development ordinance of 1994125 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Tables. Adopted 1994; most recent revision June, 2003. Captured March 2, 2009.Sherman County (Or.)
Harney County : Subdivision and partition ordinanceHarney County (Or.)
Poca Subdivision First to Ban ATVs under County OrdinanceLammers, Carlee