中国的country code,也称为国家代码,用于国际通讯和数据处理中识别国家。中国大陆的country code是86。港澳台地区分别对应:香港852,澳门853,台湾886。当你在国内拨打国际长途时,需要在对方电话号码前加上中国的拨出码“00”,加上国家或地区代码、区号和电话号码。例如,拨打韩国的电话,格式为00-85...
1 打开需要编辑的表格 2 中国country code大陆地区代号是86,填写0086就可以了 3 中国香港的地区代号是852,填写00852 4 中国澳门的地区代号是853,填写00853 5 中国台湾的地区代号是886,填写00886 6 例如拨打北京的电话:00-国家代码-区号-号码,填写(00-86-10-12345678)就可以了 ...
中国大陆的country code是86,港澳台地区香港是852,澳门是853,台湾是886。country code的意思是国家代码,是一组用来代表国家和境外领土的地理代码。国家代码是由字母或数字组成的短字串,方便用于数据处理和通讯。在一个国家使用国内的电话号码拨打国外的某个电话号码时,需要在国外的电话号码的前面加上...
International Country Code Search, Choose: The country you are calling from: The country you are calling to: You Dial: International Access Code: + Country Code: + Local Phone Number Find the Best International Insurance Compare multiple quotes and coverage options Work with an insurance expert ...
Area Code will be unified into “731” in Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. With effective from 27th June, 2009, the area codes of Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou will be unified into “731”. The numbering plan in Changsha will be upgraded to 8-digit by adding the ...
AI检测代码解析 dian:function(z){console.log(z);}, 1. 2. 3. AI检测代码解析 1. $country = [ 2. 'hot'=>[ 3. "中国大陆","86"], 4. "香港","852"], 5. "澳门","853"], 6. "台湾","886"], 7. "美国","1"], 8. "日本","81"], ...
Area Code will be unified into “731” in Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. With effective from 27th June, 2009, the area codes of Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou will be unified into “731”. The numbering plan in Changsha will be upgraded to 8-digit by adding the ...
COUNTRY CODE This is the code you need to dial IN to a country. Each country is assigned a unique country code. AREA CODE This is the code for a part of the country. It is usually a general area or a city. Some countries are not large enough to warrant their own code, so will ...
"country_code":"AF", "phone_code":"93" }, { "english_name":"Antigua and Barbuda", "chinese_name":"安提瓜和巴布达", "country_code":"AG", "phone_code":"1268" }, { "english_name":"Anguilla", "chinese_name":"安圭拉", "country_code":"AI", "phone_code":"1264" }, { "englis...