first dial 011, the U.S. exit code; next dial 81, the country code for Japan; then dial the area code (1-2 digits. See a sample calling code list below); and finally, dial the phone number (5–7 digits). If you’re calling Japan from on the globe, you just need to perform ...
Japan 日本 JP 81 +1 Jordan 约旦 JO 962 -6 Kampuchea (Cambodia ) 柬埔寨 KH 855 -1 Kazakstan 哈萨克斯坦 KZ 327 -5 Kenya 肯尼亚 KE 254 -5 Korea 韩国 KR 82 +1 Kuwait 科威特 KW 965 -5 Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯坦 KG 331 -5 Laos 老挝 LA 856 -1 Latvia 拉脱维亚 LV 371 -5 Lebanon 黎巴嫩 ...
Countries and Regions国家或地区International domain abbreviationPhone code Jet lag Angola 安哥拉 AO 244 -7 Afghanistan 阿富汗 AF 93 0 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 AL 355 -7 Algeria 阿尔及利亚 DZ 213 -8 Andorra 安道尔 Total 和国 AD 376 -8 Anguilla 安圭拉岛 AI 1264 -12 Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和...
International Country Code Search, Choose: The country you are calling from: The country you are calling to: You Dial: International Access Code: + Country Code: + Local Phone Number Find the Best International Insurance Compare multiple quotes and coverage options Work with an insurance expert ...
static final CountryPhoneCode ANGOLA Country phone code +244. static final CountryPhoneCode ANTARCTICA Country phone code +672. static final CountryPhoneCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54. static final CountryPhone... final class CountryPhoneCode extends ExpandableStringEnum<CountryPhoneCode>Defines values for country codes for phone number prefixes. E.g. the country code for +1 123 456 7890 is '+1'.Field...
This is the code you need to dial IN to a country. Each country is assigned a unique country code. AREA CODE This is the code for a part of the country. It is usually a general area or a city. Some countries are not large enough to warrant their own code, so will have the count...
Country code81, area code 138, and the number is 864 - 8972.. 国码是81, 区域号码是138, 电话号码是864-8972. 互联网 Susan: Dial 011, then thecountry code, 86, then the city code and the phone number. 苏珊: 先拨011, 然后是国码86, 再来是区码和电话号码. ...
"country_code":"AF", "phone_code":"93" }, { "english_name":"Antigua and Barbuda", "chinese_name":"安提瓜和巴布达", "country_code":"AG", "phone_code":"1268" }, { "english_name":"Anguilla", "chinese_name":"安圭拉", "country_code":"AI", "phone_code":"1264" }, { "englis...
Whichcountryisthe65areacode:Singapore Whichcountryisthe66AsiaThailandareacode: Whichcountryisthe671AsiaGuamareacode: Whichcountryisthe673areacode:BruneiAsia Whichcountryisthe81areacode:AsiaJapan Whichcountryisthe82areacode:Korea Whichcountryisthe84areacode:AsiaVietnam ...