1、国别地区代码表(COUNTRY)国别代码中文国名英文国名优/普税率标记100亚洲Asia101阿富汗AfghanistanH102巴林BahrianL103孟加拉国BangladeshL104不丹BhutanH105文莱BruneiM106缅甸MyanmarL107柬埔寨CambodiaL108塞浦路斯CyprusL109朝鲜Korea,DPRL110香港Hong KongL111印度IndiaL112印度尼西亚IndonesiaL113伊朗IranL114伊拉克IraqL115...
Liechtenstein 列支敦士登 LI 423 -7 Lithuania 立陶宛 LT 370 -5 Luxembourg 卢森堡 LU 352 -7 Macao 澳门 MO 853 0 Madagascar 马达加斯加 MG 261 -5 Malawi 马拉维 MW 265 -6 Malaysia 马来西亚 MY 60 -0.5 Maldives 马尔代夫 MV 960 -7 Mali 马里 ML 223 -8 Malta 马耳他 MT 356 -7 Mariana Is 马里...
137. "利比亚","218"], 138. "列支敦士登","423"], 139. "留尼汪岛","262"], 140. "卢森堡","352"], 141. "卢旺达","250"], 142. "罗马尼亚","40"], 143. ], 144. 'm'=>[ 145. "马达加斯加","261"], 146. "马尔代夫","960"], 147. "马耳他","356"], 148. "马拉维","265...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTARCTICA Country phone code +672.ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA Country phone code +1.ARGENTINA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54.ARMENIA...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTARCTICA Country phone code +672.ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA Country phone code +1.ARGENTINA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54.ARMENIA...
"code": 423 }, { "en": "Lithuania", "zh": "立陶宛", "locale": "LT", "code": 370 }, { "en": "Luxembourg", "zh": "卢森堡", "locale": "LU", "code": 352 }, { "en": "Macao", "zh": "澳门", "locale": "MO", ...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTARCTICA Country phone code +672.ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA Country phone code +1.ARGENTINA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54.ARMENIA...
county borough of eas county clerk of dougl county code county college of mor county jurisdiction county magistrate tak county magistrate county of carroll county of grant south county of kent county of lassen county of sulz county westmeath countywu coup de tat coup-de-etat coupe 828 coupe de...
(Country country) { if(country.flag != 0) ivFlag.setImageResource(country.flag); tvName.setText(country.name); tvCode.setText("+" + country.code); } }).show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "country"); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { Country.destroy(); super.onDestroy(); }...
_name":"Argentina","chinese_name":"阿根廷","country_code":"AR","phone_code":"54"},{"english_name":"American Samoa","chinese_name":"美属萨摩亚","country_code":"AS","phone_code":"1684"},{"english_name":"Austria","chinese_name":"奥地利","country_code":"AT","phone_code":"43...