1、国别地区代码表(COUNTRY)国别代码中文国名英文国名优/普税率标记100亚洲Asia101阿富汗AfghanistanH102巴林BahrianL103孟加拉国BangladeshL104不丹BhutanH105文莱BruneiM106缅甸MyanmarL107柬埔寨CambodiaL108塞浦路斯CyprusL109朝鲜Korea,DPRL110香港Hong KongL111印度IndiaL112印度尼西亚IndonesiaL113伊朗IranL114伊拉克IraqL115...
Guiana Cayenne卡宴Cayenne FG GF GUF 254 .GF 🇵🇫 Oceania大洋洲 Pacific太平洋 French Polynesia法属波利尼西亚Polynésie française Papeete帕皮提Papeete FP PF PYF 258 .PF 🇬🇦 Africa非洲 Western Africa西非 Gabon加蓬共和国République Gabonaise Libreville利伯维尔Libreville GB GA GAB 266 .GA 🇬...
Kenya 肯尼亚 KE 254 -5 Korea 韩国 KR 82 +1 Kuwait 科威特 KW 965 -5 Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯坦 KG 331 -5 Laos 老挝 LA 856 -1 Latvia 拉脱维亚 LV 371 -5 Lebanon 黎巴嫩 LB 961 -6 Lesotho 莱索托 LS 266 -6 Liberia 利比里亚 LR 231 -8 Libya 利比亚 LY 218 -6 Liechtenstein 列支敦士登 LI 423...
first dial 011, the U.S. exit code; next dial 254, thecountry codefor Kenya; then dial the area code (1-2 digits. See a sample calling code list below); and finally, dial the phone number (5–7 digits). If calling Kenya from any country in the world, you just need to perform...
"country_code":"BM", "phone_code":"1441" }, { "english_name":"Brunei", "chinese_name":"文莱", "country_code":"BN", "phone_code":"673" }, { "english_name":"Bolivia", "chinese_name":"玻利维亚", "country_code":"BO", "phone_code":"591" }, { "english_name":"Caribisch ...
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public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54.ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA Country phone code +374.ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA Country phone code +297.ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND Country phone ...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54.ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA Country phone code +374.ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA Country phone code +297.ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND Country phone ...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54.ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA Country phone code +374.ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA Country phone code +297.ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND Country pho...
county borough of eas county clerk of dougl county code county college of mor county jurisdiction county magistrate tak county magistrate county of carroll county of grant south county of kent county of lassen county of sulz county westmeath countywu coup de tat coup-de-etat coupe 828 coupe de...