ERROR: could not read block 0 in file "base/16389/17624": read only 0 of 8192 bytes 原因: 应用访问PGSQL主从库时做了高可用实施,实施过程中反复切主从,导致表的索引丢失,所以查询数据失败报错。 解决办法: 创建数据对应的表的索引
51CTO博客已为您找到关于could not read block 3717863 in file "base/16444/1907609016.28": Input/outpu的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及could not read block 3717863 in file "base/16444/1907609016.28": Input/outpu问答内容。更多could
解决 在数据库服务器上使用oid2name,将报错oid对应的name找出来。这里假设db库是xxdbname [postgres@local~]$/usr/local/pgsql12/bin/oid2name-d'xxdbname'-f2663Fromdatabase "xxdbname": FilenodeTableName---2663pg_class_relname_nsp_index [postgres@local~]$ psql进入DB,切换道对应db库使用REINDEX重建索...
PGSQL查询数据出现错误:ERROR: could not read block 0 in fil,PGSQL查询数据出现错误:ERROR:couldnotreadblock0infile"base/16389/17624"
Hi, So out of the blue, my server started spitting out sql error messages into the log. [webdav] Fatal: Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[XX001]: Data corrupted: 7 ERROR: could not read block 856 in file "base/16385/16...
**/dev/disk0s1 could not read boot block (input/output error) Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit. 1 non HFS volume checked, 1 volume could not be repaired because of an error. Within disk utilities the Disk01s is grey, I can try to repair it but the above error ...
FAQ - BlockMissingException: Could not obtain block:BP-xxx FAQ - BlockMissingException: Could not obtain block:BP-xxx 问题描述/异常栈 BlockMissingException: Could not obtain block:BP-xxx 解决方案 一般出现此类错误时,数据恢复难度较大,建议通过重新调度任务进行数据恢复; hdfs fsck -delete 文件名 ... Could not obtain block: blk_-4697097477082743821_1006 file=/user/hadoop/file/file1 at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient$DFSInputStream.chooseDataNode( at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient$DFSInputStream.blockSeekTo( ...
Warning:WARNING: the kernel failed to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (Deviceor resource busy). As a result, it maynot reflect all of your changes until after reboot. Warning:WARNING: the kernel failed to re-read the partition table on /dev/sdb (Deviceor resource busy). As a...
this policy to be controlled in a more detailed manner, if it is necessary. This includes Bitlocker, Group Policy, and additional ACLs. On hard disks, nonadministrative users cannot run volume-level tools, such as format, or have direct block-level access to the contents of the ...