ERROR: could not read block 2 in file "base/32544061/59747222":read only 0 of 8192 bytes pgbenchdb=# delete from pg_statistic;错误: 无法读取文件"base/32544061/59747222"的块2:只读取了8192字节的0 ERROR: could notreadblock 2infile"base/32544061/59747222":readonly 0 of 8192 bytes 前面测试的...
back=# select max(create_time) from public.tbl_index_table where create_time>='2010-10-08'; ERROR: could not read block 41381 of relation 16779/24769/24938: read only 0 of 8192 bytes 看到这个错误信息,首先想到的是表 tbl_index_table 上有坏块,估计需要表重建下。 2、--查看执行计划 back=...
select * from pg_class where oid=1255; ERROR: could not read block 3 in file "base/16397/1255": read only 0 of 8192 bytes zjh@test=# \d ERROR: could not read block 3 in file "base/16397/1255": read only 0 of 8192 bytes zjh@test=# select * from pg_proc; -- 因为系统表通过...
back=# select max(create_time) from public.tbl_index_table where create_time>='2010-10-08'; ERROR: could not read block 41381 of relation 16779/24769/24938: read only 0 of 8192 bytes 看到这个错误信息,首先想到的是表 tbl_index_table 上有坏块,估计需要表重建下。 2、--查看执行计划 back=...
files++;for(blockno =0;; blockno++) { uint16 csum;intr =read(f,, BLCKSZ);if(r ==0) break;if(r != BLCKSZ) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not read block %u in file \"%s\": read %d of %d\n"), progname, blockno, fn, r, BLCKSZ);exit(1); ...
files++;for(blockno =0;; blockno++) { uint16 csum;intr =read(f,, BLCKSZ);if(r ==0) break;if(r != BLCKSZ) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not read block %u in file \"%s\": read %d of %d\n"), progname, blockno, fn, r, BLCKSZ);exit(1); ...
could not do table name mapping no conflict resolution pgcat makes below enhancements: supports any table type as replication target e.g. view, fdw, partitioned table, citus distributed table only replicates local changes so that you could make bi-directional replication, e.g. replicates data be...
Those are the default installation directories for 'site' install on some well-known distribution but the path could change. If you want to install all under /usr location, use INSTALLDIRS='vendor' as an argument of Makefile.PL. The script will be installed into /usr/bin/pgcluu and the...
默认情况下,表的每个1GB块(Block)存储在一个单独的(堆)文件中。当该表文件已经达到1GB之后,用户再次插入数据时,postgres会重新创建一个新的堆文件,新文件名格式是:表Oid+“.” + 序号id(序号id从1开始一次递增)。示意图如下所示,其中tudent为CREATE TABLE创建的表名,该student表对应的堆文件名是16387。