安装完成ruby gem 之后,通过 gem install compass 安装compass~~ 出现如下报错 Could not find a valid gem ‘compass‘ (>= 0) in any repository 然后尝试在 https://rubygems.org/ 下载 compass-1.0.3.gem 本地安装 又提示了 rb-inotify 安装失败~~ 一个个安装失败,这个时候 可以怀疑一下 是不是网络...
安装完成ruby gem 之后,通过 gem install compass 安装compass~~ 出现如下报错 Could not find a valid gem 'compass' (>= 0) in any repository 然后尝试在 https://rubygems.org/ 下载 compass-1.0.3.gem 本地安装 又提示了 rb-inotify 安装失败~~ 一个个安装失败,这个时候 可以怀疑一下 是不是网络问...
安装完成ruby gem 之后,通过 gem install compass 安装compass~~ 出现如下报错 Could not find a valid gem ‘compass‘ (>= 0) in any repository 然后尝试在 https://rubygems.org/ 下载 compass-1.0.3.gem 本地安装 又提示了 rb-inotify 安装失败~~ 一个个安装失败,这个时候 可以怀疑一下 是不是网络...
这时候再执行gem install bundler顺利完成,若提示权限带上sudo。 点赞(4) 打赏 分享 标签:gem,MacOS,ruby,日志原文连接:ERROR: Could not find a valid gem ‘bundler’ (>= 0)解决方法所有媒体,可在保留署名、原文连接的情况下转载,若非则不得使用我方内容。
问题 最近给新电脑配置Cocoapods环境, 执行安装命令的时候 报如下错误: ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'cocoapods' ...
Could not find a valid gem 'compass' (>= 0) in any repository 然后尝试在https:///下载 compass-1.0.3.gem 本地安装 又提示了 rb-inotify 安装失败~~ 一个个安装失败,这个时候 可以怀疑一下 是不是网络问题,无法连接 rubygems 库~ 是不是被墙了呢? 于是在网上找到 以下FQ的方法 ...
ERROR:Error installing cocoapods:ERROR:Failed to build gem native extension 这个就需要按顺序运行以下命令 brew cleanup -d -v brew install cocoapods 如果第二个命令失败,那就运行第3个 brew link cocoapods 如果link失败,就运行下面这个 brew link --overwrite cocoapods ...
I have seen similar issues here but I have not found a solution yet to my problem. I would like to open a new thread here and see if if there is a clear solution for this. I am using testcontainers 1.15.3: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find a valid Docker environment. ...
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'redis' (>= 0), here is why: Unable to download data from https://rubygems.org/ - SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A (https://rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz)Error fetching http://ruby.taobao.org/: serv...
"Could not find a valid Java virtual machine to load. You may need to reinstall a supported Java virtual machine." Environment XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows 11.6 SP03 Resolution XCOM for Windows 11.6 SP03 and patches no longer distribute Oracle Java with the installer and Java needs...