After the firmware update the above command doesn't work as intended, I get an error [h264_v4l2m2m @ 0xaaaaf76fccb0] Could not find a valid device [h264_v4l2m2m @ 0xaaaaf76fccb0] can't configure encoder Error initializing output stream 0:0 -- Error while opening encoder for output ...
【Atlas500】入门(十六)——ffmpeg 264编码 [h264_v4l2m2m @ 0xaaaac8aa5220] Could not find a valid device 参考:javascript:void(0) 好像是没有x264这个包 1. 说明 项目:FaceRecognition 项目原始采用的是mpeg编码器(好像ffmpeg自带的),用rtsp进行推流。这里要推流成rtmp。要求用h264的编码。 2. x264,f...
安装完成ruby gem 之后,通过 gem install compass 安装compass~~ 出现如下报错 Could not find a valid gem ‘compass‘ (>= 0) in any repository 然后尝试在 下载 compass-1.0.3.gem 本地安装 又提示了 rb-inotify 安装失败~~ 一个个安装失败,这个时候 可以怀疑一下 是不是网络...
Could not find valid device for node.Node:{{node Elu}} All kernels registered for op Elu问题,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
I have an error in U-boot: Did not find a cmdline Flattened Device Tree, Could not find a valid device tree I have already program Flash - Image, u-boot.scr and when I try to flash the devicetree.dtb, I get the above error. I have used the c...
points bin, 如果你使用我们USB-JTAG的14脚的烧写来通过SBW烧写芯片的,你应该用1脚TDO/TDI接芯片的RST,用7脚TCK接芯片的TEST管脚。 具体你可以参考下面链接我们的一篇文档,在25页有关于使用于5系列的2线制JTAG的连接图:
因此在创建张量时需要指明数据类型,如tf.constant([1,2,3],dtype=tf.float32) tensorflow中有许多类似的函数要求浮点数类型,如tf.sqrt(),tf.math.log(),tf.math.exp()等。需要注意数据类型,避免由此出错。
[debug] e[35m[ADB]e[39m Trying to find a connected android device [debug] e[35m[ADB]e[39m Getting connected devices [debug] e[35m[ADB]e[39m Could not find online devices [debug] e[35m[ADB]e[39m Reconnecting adb (target offline) [debug] e[35m[ADB]e[39m Running ‘C:\Program...
[AndroidDriver] Retrieving device list [ADB] Trying to find a connected android device [ADB] Getting connected devices... [ADB] Could not find devices, restarting adb server... [ADB] Restarting adb [ADB] Killing adb server on port 5037 ...
当您在开机时遇到 "A conexant audio device could not be found" 的错误提示,不要担心,这可能是声卡驱动与系统不匹配的问题。解决步骤如下:首先,点击确定关闭错误提示,尽管它会弹出,但不会影响您的日常操作,问题出在声卡上。接着,打开设备管理器。在电脑的“此电脑”上右键,选择“属性”,...