Bayesian estimation of cost-effectiveness ratios from clinical trials. Health Econ. 1999;8:191-201.Heitjan, DF, Moskowitz, AJ, and Whang, W (1999). Bayesian estimation of cost-effectiveness ratios from clinical trials. Health economics 8.3, 191-201....
In Study B screening strategies were also evaluated for lifetime costs, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER... AT Vlastos,R Richards-Kortum,A Zuluaga,... 被引量: 8发表: 2002年 Early health economic evaluation of the future potential of next ge...
The secondary outcome measures are cardiovascular events, quality of life, costs and incremental cost effectiveness ratios. 心血管病并发率 、 生活质量 、 成本和增量成本效果比也是比较重要的疗效判定指标. 来自互联网 14. Negotiate employees to ensure stability in work force and cost effectiveness of IDP...
The Monte Carlo simulation is a powerful method for calculation of cost-effectiveness ratios and the uncertainties involved in this analysis. With this methodology, it is possible to work, not only with the mean value of the cost-effectiveness ratio, but also with its variance, probability distrib...
1.4 Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratios (ICERs) 上面两图是对增量成本效果比(ICER)和成本效果平面(cost effectiveness plane)的示意。 当ICER落在第四象限:ICER为负,新干预完全占优(to dominate the control or comparator) 当ICER落在第二象限:ICER为负,新干预不占优(to be dominated) ...
Figure 3. Cost-effectiveness ratios for adult ophthalmic surgery Diamonds are DALYs, triangles are QALYs, and squares are HALYs. ICCE-AG=intra-capsular cataract extraction, using aphakic glasses. ECCE-PC-IOL=extra-capsular cataract extraction with implantation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens....
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness ratios and the economic burden of oral care in the public health service from both the service and the society's perspective. Method: Longitudinal data were collected from 7.825 patients treated by 13 dentists and two ...
approximately 85% were published over the past 5 years. Less than 5% of studies discussed model uncertainty, and no study formally and explicitly examined model uncertainty using structured methods (e.g. computing final outcome measures such as cost-effectiveness ratios and exploring the magnitude of...
Cost–effectiveness analysis is used to compare the costs and outcomes of alternative policy options. Each resulting cost–effectiveness ratio represents the magnitude of additional health gained per additional unit of resources spent. Cost–effectiveness thresholds allow cost–effectiveness ratios that repres...
We computed incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) to perform our initial cost-effectiveness analysis (illustrated in Supplementary Fig. 4) using the mean DALYs averted and mean costs for each strategy compared to the current strategy (Mean AS for all but Yasa Bonga, where the current strat...