The Plummeting Cost of Genome SequencingDaniel MacArthur
Genetic testing is routine practice for individuals with unexplained developmental disabilities and multiple congenital anomalies. However, current testing pathways can be costly and time consuming, and the diagnostic yield low. Genome-wide sequencing, i
Throughout, we ground the discussion by describing efforts in the MedSeq Project, an ongoing randomized controlled clinical trial, to understand the costs and cost-effectiveness of integrating whole genome sequencing into cardiology and primary care settings. 展开 关键词: whole genomic sequencing whole...
With human whole-genome sequencing (WGS), “basic analysis would cover the known variants of the 59 genes identified by the American College of Medical Genetics, where the reporting of incidental findings would likely have a medical benefit,” explains Shawn C. Baker, sequencing expert and creator...
WGAcosts decreased over the studied time horizon, but expenditures needed to realizeWGAremain significant. Future research exploring costs and benefits ofWGA‐guided cancer care are crucial to guide health policy. 展开 关键词: Cost analysis oncology transcriptome sequencing whole‐genome sequencing ...
Zhang Guoan, vice-director of the provincial health commission, said during a news briefing the 56 available results from genome sequencing all pointed to the highly contagiousDelta variant. About 60 percent of confirmed patients are inPutian, Fujian province, where the first case was detected on ...
Here, we present an integrated experimental and computational system for the accurate and affordable detection of cancer. It consists of (1) a cost-effective experimental assay, named cell-free DNA Methylome Sequencing (cfMethyl-Seq), for genome-wide methylation profiling of cfDNA, and (2) a co...
We present an approach in which 192 sequencing libraries can be produced in a single day of technician time at a cost of about $15 per sample. These libraries are effective not only for low-pass whole-genome sequencing, but also for simultaneously enriching them in pools of approximately 100...
Matthew Dublin at Genome Technology magazine has written, "At present, the per-base cost of sequencing is dropping by about half every five months, and this trend shows no sign of slowing down. ... Factor in all of these variables, and the logarithmic graphs start looking like signs of a...
Chip chips away at the cost of a genome The latest contender in the race for the prized '$1,000 genome' has proved its mettle in a singularly appropriate way: by sequencing the genome of computer pioneer Gordon Moore. Like the computer chips made by Intel, the company that Moo......