Previous studies have found mindfulness interventions can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances in a prenatal population. The risks of the intervention are low, but could be of significant benefit for women who are unable to attend face-to-face appointments due to geographical,...
Knocked out some serious work last night but it cost me sleep#naptime — Tyler Eifert (@tylereifert)May 4, 2011 Tax evaders & Money Launderers will be made to realise that they will have to pay a heavy cost for their deviant behaviour. ...
The cost driver was drug (SS analogs) for acromegalic cure. The co-morbidity conditions associated to acromegalic Non-Responder patients are clearly higher than those with well-controlled disease. the study supports the hypothesis that controlled patients drove a saving for SSN in comparison to poor...
Cost-Effectiveness of Surgically Induced Weight Loss for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Modeled Lifetime Analysis Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L,) is cultivated by and large in different parts of India for its oil-yielding seeds, but the role of its pollen in the etiol... C.,L.,Keati...
Our study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the CHANGE intervention, which builds on PM + , to also address alcohol misuse through problem-solving therapy and selected behavioural strategies for dealing with alcohol use disorders. We hypothesise that the CHANGE ...
Baby monitor ($40 – $60):The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you and your baby sleep in the same room for the first six months of their life, so you won’t really need a monitor in the beginning. If your baby sleeps in a different room and you’re a deep sleeper th...
Find all the latest on cost-effectiveness at Medical Xpress. Your go-to source for news, research, and medical breakthroughs.
時間導向作業基礎成本制度在醫療機構之運用-以X醫院睡眠中心為例; The Application of Time Driven Activity Based Cost for Health Care Organization -A Case Study... 時間導向作業基礎成本制度在醫療機構之運用-以X醫院睡眠中心為例; The Application of Time Driven Activity Based Cost for Health Care ...
Taken together our results provide insight into the cognitive and neural costs of spontaneous breathing in one CCHS patient, and suggest that MV during waking periods may free up frontal lobe resources, and make them available for cognitive recruitment. More generally, this study reveals how the ...
The High Energy Cost of Theta–Gamma Activity during REM Sleepneurovascular couplingthetagammaoscillationshippocampusThe occurrence of wake-like electroencephalography (EEG) traces during rapid-eye movement sleep (REM) has intrigued scientists for decades. A recent study by Bergel et al. (Nat. Commun...