As semiconductor technology has advanced, many storage systems have begun to use non-volatile memories as storage media. The organization and architecture of storage controllers have become more complex to meet various design requirements in terms of performance, response time, quality of service (QoS...
fixed typo Jul 29, 2022 Cosmos-plus-OpenSSD Cosmos OpenSSD + Hardware and Software source distribution The new address of the official homepage of the OpenSSD project Contributors3 Cosmos-OpenSSD timtot Sangjin-LeeSangjin-Lee
型号:cosmosplusopenssd 数量 1.0 技术参数 1.Cosmos OpenSSD FPGA开发板一块;2.PCIe连接器一条:3.1T flash两片 质保及售后服务 按行业标准提供服务 更多信息请点击查看最新...