Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK 會提取許多相依性;一般來說,如果您的專案相依性樹狀結構包括 Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK 相依的舊版成品,則這可能會導致您在執行應用程式時產生未預期的錯誤。 如果您要對應用程式非預期地擲出例外狀況的原因進行偵錯,則最好再次檢查您的相依性樹狀結構是否意外地提取舊版的一或多個 ...
Use features like client-side logging and other third-party tools to identify, diagnose, and troubleshoot Azure Cosmos DB issues in Java SDK v4.
Azure Cosmos DB .NET および Java SDK では、アプリケーションの監視に役立つ分散トレースがサポートされています。 要求のフローのトレースは、デバッグ、待機時間とパフォーマンスの分析、診断の収集に役立ちます。 OpenTelemetry を使用してアプリケーションのトレースをインストルメント化...
SDK 會使用 Netty IO 程式庫來與 Azure Cosmos DB 通訊。 SDK 具有 Async API,而且會使用 Netty 的非封鎖 IO API。 SDK 的 IO 工作會在 IO Netty 執行緒上執行。 IO Netty 執行緒的數目會設定為與應用程式電腦的 CPU 核心數目相同。Netty IO 執行緒僅適用於非封鎖的 Netty IO 工作。 SDK 會將其中一個...
原文:Cosmos DB for MongoDB developers 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 一、为什么是 NoSQL? 自从上学以来,我们大多数人都被教导要组织信息,这样它就可以用表格的形式来表示。但并不是所有的信息都能遵循这种结构,因此存在NULL值。NULL值表示没有信息的单元格。为了避免出现NULL,我们必须将一个表拆分成多个表,从而引入...
General availability of new Azure Cosmos DB JavaScript SDK 2.0:We are happy to announce the general availability of theversion 2.0 of the JavaScript SDK, with completely redesigned object model, added support for promises and completely redesigned the object model to make it easier to interact with...
As always, we highly recommend upgrading to the latest version of the SDK for best results. Next Steps: Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 technical documentation Java SDK v4 getting started sample application Release notes and additional resources ...
How to build applications using Always Encrypted for Azure Cosmos DB With Always Encrypted, the Azure Cosmos DB SDK has now exposed a bunch of new APIs that can help configure few things like the container-level encryption policies and corresponding data encryption keys. This is required before ...
These API reference articles shows how to create resources using the Azure Cosmos DB data plane API. With the data plane API you can configure basic options such as indexing policy, partition keys much like you can with Cosmos DB SDKs. If you require complete feature support for all Azure ...
Trying to create the cosmos DB client in azure function. Sometimes it throws runtimeexception java.lang.RuntimeException: Client initialization failed. Check if the endpoint is reachable and if your auth token is valid Create a azure fun...