青岛集运首款区域特色全链产品“豫海链通”顺利首发 4月10日,从河南郑州圃田中心站开出的30*40HQ汽车生产线设备在青岛黄岛港站换乘中远海运集运“新青岛”轮后,启程驶往泰国林查班港,标志着青岛集运首款区域特色全链产品“豫海链通”成功落地。 “豫海链通”是青岛集运为推动数字化供应链业务进程,结合陇海...
“装运单位”(SHIPPING UNIT)是指未以包件运输的任何一个具体单位的货物,包括机械、车辆及船只,但散装货物除外。“集装箱”(CONTAINER)包括任何集装箱,如开顶集装箱、拖车、可运油罐、框架箱、平板箱、货盘,以及为运输货物而使用的任何其他设备或设施。本条作为定义条款,用以说明、规定本提单条款中经常出现的...
中远COSCO 集装箱提单背面条款 中文 中远集团提单背面条款1. DEFINITIONS 定义承运人 CARRIER 是指中远集运,即中远集装箱运输有限公司。货方 MERCHANT 包括发货人托运人收货人受货人货主本提单的合法持有人或被
10.1 The Registered USER will promptly pay all fees and charges applicable to any product or Protected Service within the time and in the manner for payment specified on the Website or as otherwise specified by COSCO SHIPPING Lines. 10.2 All sums specified on this Website or otherwise are exc...
Shipping Glossary Vendor Portals B/L Terms Personal Data Protection Surcharges Terminals, Restrictions, Free Time, Local Surcharges, Office Calendar eClaims Rate Document Terms & Conditions Surcharge Code Description Commitments Local Information About OOCL in China Local News Local Contacts Service Profi...
and not the items packed in such Container if the number of such items is not indicated on the front of this Bill of Lading or is indicated by the terms such as Said to Contain or similar expressions. Shipping Unit means any physical unit of cargo not shipped in a package, including mac...
During the strike, COSCO SHIPPING Lines will implement a "stop clock" policy on detention charges for affected cargo, with the charges resuming after the strike ends. 3.Port Congestion Surcharge To offset the losses incurred due to the disruptions and to ensure the continuity of our services,...
and demurrage/detention charges for common situations. The calculated charges are an indication and is provided without any warranty. Export DND freetime for USA and SAM is 10 days regardless container type. For detailed terms and rates, please always consult tariff and conditions ...
5. COSCO SHIPPING Lines reserves the right to adjust the rates for certain places with one month notice in advance of the ETA date. 6. All drop-off-charges generally have to be collected at destination / by agency in charge. If you need to do the prepaid payment ...
Shipping Information - COSCO Ocean & Air Cargo Services http://www.cosco-ona.com.au/shipping-information.html We care." /. COSCO’s acquisition of Greek Piraeus Port to further contribute to local economy. Australian Trade Minister Looks Forward to Aussie-China Trade Relationships. China’s new...