原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/692344/1085561DSCP与COS和IP优先级的对应关系为DSCP的映射。在交换机中他们从在默认的对应关系,可使用命令更改。 一...位置上显示的是映射到该DSCP值上的CoS值。 比如DSCP值08(D1=0,D2=8)交叉值是01,就表示对应的COS值是01. 修改命令: 三IP-Precedence-to-DSCP默认的 ...
I have read that only Queue 1-1 is always used and I am only seeing drops on queue 1-1, and due to the CoS<>DSCP mapping all my traffic for video and control are going into Queue 1-1. I noticed that queue 4-1 is NEVER being used. So my thinking is, if i move all video t...
ic . illiyTx 匸s = t Zher ClassofServiceTrustModeofanInterEdceX :P DSCP.(Metgear Switch) (Config)FClasofservice trust dotLp ?<cr>Prss Enter to execute the ccimcand.(Config) #clasio 7、fservice erttst Lp例如 #3 : show classofservice ip-precedence-mapping(Negear switch)i ? Prece ...
DSCP can be broken into 64 distinct groups -- values zero to 63. That means that DSCP can be used on Layer 3 routed interfaces, and traffic can be separated into more queue groups, providing greater granularity when it comes to traffic prioritization. ...
tos-cos cisco
objectsfromaremoteDICOMnodeortorequestaremoteDICOMAEto initiateatransferofobjectstoanotherDICOMAE.TheVSimDICOMquery/ retrieveapplicationsupportsthequery/retrieveservicestoactasSCUand SCP. ApplicationDataFlowDiagram TheVSimDICOMnetworkimplementationactsasSCUandSCPforthequery/ retrievenetworkservice.TheproducttargetOper...
I have read that only Queue 1-1 is always used and I am only seeing drops on queue 1-1, and due to the CoS<>DSCP mapping all my traffic for video and control are going into Queue 1-1. I noticed that queue 4-1 is NEVER being used. So my thinking is, if i move all video ...