Class-map服務類別(CoS)、Prec、DSCP、ACL 和VLAN 僅支援match-any 標籤 [無條件設定] 設定DSCP和Prec 設定CoS、Prec、DSCP和QoS組 標籤 [條件標籤] DSCP突變 Class-default表對映 管制 1r2c 1r2c和2r3c 管制降級 管制超出標籤限制 [僅支援DSCP] 管制超出和違反降級 [支援CoS、DSCP、Prec ] 彙總管制 支援...
SW(config-if)#mls qos cos ? <0-7> Class of service value between 0 and 7 override Force default COS on all packets COS override可以强制在帧进入时按定义的default COS的值来执行策略,如果是接口的状态是trust,那么如果开启了COS override后,自动关闭接口的trust,直接使用在入口的COS-内部DSCP的map。
mls qos map cos-dscp Defines the ingress CoS-to-DSCP map for trusted interfaces. mls qos map cos-mutation Maps a packet's CoS to a new CoS value. mls qos map dscp-cos Defines an egress DSCP-to-CoS map. mls qos map dscp-mutation Defines a named DSCP mutation map. mls qo...
MLS QOS默认3550上关闭 对于接口的信任状态只能是一种,要么是COS,要么是DSCP,要么是IP优先级,不可重复。当携带有(cos dscp IP precedence)的数据进入交换机后,如果交换机信任这个数据包携带的标签(cos dscp ip precedence)的话,那么会映射到一个内部的DSCP表(也就是cos-内部dscp, ip precedence-内部...
Not a QoS expert here but I am really trying to study and understand at the moment. We have added a new C9200L to our office and I am stuck with configuring the MLS part.. Below is the existing config in the C2960XR ! mls qos map cos-dscp 0 8 16 24 32 46 48 56mls qos sr...
(default COS)分配一个内部的DSCP 认 认认 认认认认认认 ,交 机会根据内部的 DSCP 认认行策略。 SW(config-if)#do show mls qos int f0/1 FastEthernet0/1 trust state: trust cos trust mode: trust cos COS override: dis default COS: 0 DSCP Mutation Map: Default DSCP Mutation Map Trust devic...
If the port has "mls qos trust cos" then the switch will use the CoS marking in the packet. But because switches always use an internal DSCP marking the switch needs to derive a DSCP value from the CoS value. This is what the CoS-to-DSCP map is for. The DSCP-to-CoS map ...
defaultCOS:0 DSCPMutationMap:DefaultDSCPMutationMap Trustdevice:none 如果在接口通过挂policy-map,那么接口的trust会自动关闭。Policy-map会接管接口的trust。 SW(config-if)#doshowmlsqosintf0/1 ...
D.Usethepolicy-mapcommandtodefineoneormoreQoSpolicies(suchasshaping,policing,andsoon)toapplytotrafficdefinedbyaclassmap. E.Usetherandom-detectdscpcommandtomodifythedefaultminimumandmaximumthresholdsfortheDSCPvalue. F.Usetheclass-mapcommandtodefineoneormoretrafficclassesbyspecifyingthecriteriabywhichtrafficisclass...
CoS, Prec, DSCP and QoS-group Marking Does not support Set CoS, Prec, and DSCP Policing Does not support 1r2c , 2r3c with exceed/violate mark down through table-map Max number of queues and queue types 1P3Q3T [ 4 queues] Expedite queue-> Priority queue 2P6Q3T [ up to 8 ...