but not supplanting the non-clone Senate Guard already in place. As the Clone Wars continued, ...
克隆TROPER阶段1 _科洛桑警卫模型3D_4079(Clone Trooper Phase1 _Coruscant Guard_ Model 3D_4079) 资源编号 :104263752 格式:gltf 文件体积 :7m 笑容能开千门 浏览压缩包 ZIP 7m 收藏 评论 详情页投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的爱给模型库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为gltf 格式的克隆TROPER阶段1 _科洛桑警卫模型...
The Senate had its own protectors, the Senate Guard. Serving under a long tradition, the Senate Guard was a reminder that though the Republic did not have a standing army, it was not defenseless.[131] As the Clone Wars erupted, the clone troopers of the Coruscant Guard worked as ...
CloneTrooper(s)(asBodi'Tindi'Tay(扮演者:BodieTaylor) OrnFreeTaa(asMatthewRowan)(扮演者:MattRowan) AskAak(扮演者:StevenBoyle) JediKnightKitFisto(asZacJensen)(扮演者:ZachariahJensen) J.K.Burtola(扮演者:AlexKnoll) MariAmithest(扮演者:PhoebeYiamkiati) SenatorLexiDio(uncredited)(扮演者:...