Main Author vs. Corresponding Author: Unraveling the Contrast Main Author: Often referred to as the first author, contributes significantly to research and writing. Corresponding Author: Handles communication, edits, and revisions after accepting the paper. Collaborative Writing: Can Two ...
Author Spotlight Written byTayyaba Rehman Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the pl...
应用场景:在学术论文、研究报告或科研项目中,'corresponding author'通常指的是负责与期刊编辑或出版机构进行沟通的主要作者,负责协调合著者之间的工作,并确保稿件的正确提交和修改。 造句例句: 中文:在这篇研究中,张教授是通讯作者,负责整体的研究设计和论文撰写。英文:In this research,...
一般的步骤是这样的:网上投稿-Submit a manuscript:先到每个杂志的首页,打开submit paper一栏,先以通讯作者的身份register一个账号,然后以author login身份登录,按照提示依次完成:Select Article Type、Enter Title、Add/Edit/Remove Authors、Submit Abstract、Enter Keywords、Select Classifications、Enter Comments、Request...
Thefirst authoris typically the primary contributor to a research paper. You may list multiple authors as first authors in the manuscript, mentioning in the author contribution statement that these authors contributed equally to the study. Thecorresponding authortakes responsibility for the manuscript dur...
通讯作者的准确含义 Corresponding Authors Paul S.Weiss Editor-in-Chief Acknowledgment.P.S.W.would like the ACS Nano policy described. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1.Weiss,P.S.The Best Referee Report.2.Publishing101Episode6Part1:publish-research/episode-6.html.
Corresponding author has the authority to act on behalf of all authors and is the contact person for the research paper. 参考答案:对 点击查看答案&解析 你可能感兴趣的试题 点击查看答案 点击查看答案 点击查看答案&解析 不定项选择 左手各手指按音时,应保持手型不变。
First re-ported in mungbean in India by Nariani, 1960. Main pathogens causing YMD in mungbean in India are MYMV and MYMIV. Host species and susceptibility of each plant affect the develop-ment of disease symptoms after virus infection. The considerable and significant reduction in yield due ...
Corresponding author frequency data Employing a new proxy for liquidity, this paper examines its impact on stock returns in the context of the Fama-French framework. We augment the Carhart four-factor model with a liquidity factor and employ individual and s... D Chai,R Faff,P Gharghori,.....
Findings: The current paper based on extensive literature review throws light on the importance of technological learning on collectively intellectual capital and organizational performance. Practical implication and future research: This study provides directions for manager in understanding, implementation, ...