01 Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态 一般的步骤是这样的:网上投稿-Submit a manuscript:先到每个杂志的首页,打开submit paper一栏,先以通讯作者的身份register一个账号,然后以author login身份登录,按照提示依次完成:Select Article Type、Enter Title、Add/Edit/Remove Authors、Submit Abstract、Enter Keywords、...
通讯作者的准确含义 Corresponding Authors Paul S.Weiss Editor-in-Chief Acknowledgment.P.S.W.would like the ACS Nano policy described. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1.Weiss,P.S.The Best Referee Report.2.Publishing101Episode6Part1:publish-research/episode-6.html.
in the journal. ScholarOne Manuscripts treats this person different from the contact author as it ...
Typically, an article follows the following format in terms of the placement of necessary components: Title > Running title (if required by the journal) > Author names > Author information. Thus, the author information can be found immediately below the author names. Author names carry a...
aDiveny 开始[translate] aSo, if you change the Corresponding Author, the PDF of the manuscript will appear in their journal homepage for approval - not yours. 如此,如果您改变对应的作者,原稿的PDF将出现于他们的学报主页为获得批准-不是你的。[translate]...
If a site collects the corresponding author flag, then this will be whoever the submitter specified. Otherwise, this will be the submitting author. The purpose of this is to specify who should be listed as the corresponding author when the paper is published in the journal. ScholarOne Manuscrip...
that I have had on this topic over the years, this month I discuss correspondingauthorship.Partoftheconfusionoverthisdesignationstemsfromthetwousesoftheterm.First,onsubmission,onesingleauthormusthandlesubmissiontoandcommunicationswiththejournal.Wewilladdressthistasklater.Second,andmoreimportantly,afterapaperis...
before and after publication. The guarantor is also responsible for the ethical integrity of the study and the manuscript. In such instances, the corresponding author has to fulfill other administrative duties and ensure that all communication among authors and with the journal is smooth and ...
aEnter the initials of the corresponding author in the text field. The initials are required and, when filled in, signify that the corresponding author has checked with each listed contributing author for permission to submit the manuscript in its current form to the designated journal. 输入对应的...
Corresponding Author: Customer Relationship Management, Role of Customers Partnership System in Implementation of Customer Centric Culture in Marketing Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong in their book "Principles of Marketing" state: At arrival of next decade, companies shall focus on customer engagement ...