A good way to do this is for you to sit inside the dried-out bathtub and figure out where your grab bars would be most needed as you lift yourself out, making sure, however, that you install a vertical bar at the corner of the wall where you climb into the tub and some horizontal...
When it comes to sitting properly, we all know the correct way even if we don' t do it to the letter. No crossed legs, bottoms touching the back of the chair and feet on the ground. But even if you' re doing it right, sitting for long periods is shockingly bad for you. It has...
To Sit or Stand During Wiping Should guys wipe after they pee? How to prevent Toilet paper Residue Is Wiping with Toilet Paper Enough? How to Pass the Time on the Toilet Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands! How to Wipe Your Butt the Right Way When you gotta go, you gotta go. But wha...