Corning Specialty Materials has a long heritage of providing solutions to semiconductor equipment manufacturers. The Tropel line of wafer analysis equipment enables measurement of wafer substrates from 2” to 450mm regardless of material type and surface finish. The contin...
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美国康宁CORNING TROPEL平面度测量系统 Tropel 的Flat Master非接触性入射式全面积扫描干涉仪则能对整个表面的平整度进行快速而精确的测量,具有优异的可重复性和精确性。Flat Master平整度仪为精密部件的制造商提供了***的表面形态测量。能够对各种表面的平面度、线型和其他表面参数进行测量。
厂家品牌 CORNING INTERTEC-Hess GmbH Intertubi 规格型号 CORNING INTERTEC-Hess GmbH Intertubi Tropel® FlatMaster® 平面度测量机 COR Tropel® UltraFlat™ 200 平度仪 CORNING 光缆CORNING ClearCurve® 高温光缆 CORNING PANDA series 光缆 CORNING MACOR® 陶瓷 CORNING HPFS® series 双凹透镜...
美国康宁Corning Tropel FlatMaster wafer200晶圆平面度平整度平坦度仪 直径2-8英寸 美国康宁Corning Tropel FlatMaster wafer系列产品为半自动型设备 测量精度0.05um,重复性0.015um分辨率0.005um 单片测量时间 测量数据点: 设备采用激光干涉原理,一次性测试整个平面,同时获取230,000个点的数据,Tropel的测量数据及三维图形...
The Tropel®FlatMaster®provides industry-leading performance of surface form measurements for precision-component manufacturers. Our non-contact optical technique records the entire surface in seconds. The FlatMaster®offers five-nanometer resolution and a standard accuracy ...