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Tropel® FlatMaster® System The Tropel®FlatMaster®provides industry-leading performance of surface form measurements for precision-component manufacturers. Our non-contact optical technique records the entire surface in seconds. The FlatMaster®offers five-nanometer r...
Tropel® FlatMaster® 平面度测量机 COR Tropel® UltraFlat™ 200 平度仪 CORNING 光缆CORNING ClearCurve® 高温光缆 CORNING PANDA series 光缆 CORNING MACOR® 陶瓷 CORNING HPFS® series 双凹透镜 CORNING Corning® EAGLE XG® Slim 玻璃纤维 CORNING Corning Lotus™ NXT Glass 超细光学镜...
The Tropel®FlatMaster®provides industry-leading performance of surface form measurements for precision-component manufacturers. Our non-contact optical technique records the entire surface in seconds. The FlatMaster®offers five-nanometer resolution and a standard a...
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厂家品牌: CORNING INTERTEC-Hess GmbH Intertubi 规格型号: CORNING INTERTEC-Hess GmbH Intertubi Tropel® FlatMaster® 平面度测量机 COR: Tropel® UltraFlat™ 200 平度仪 CORNING 光缆CORNING: ClearCurve® 高温光缆 CORNING PANDA series 光缆 CORNING: MACOR® 陶瓷 CORNING HPFS® series ...
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style="font-size:10pt;">FM140平整度仪利用其非接触、切线入射技术和基于Corning Tropel公司现有FlatMaster技术的子孔径拼接干涉计(stitching interferometer),FlatMaster 1400对图形掩膜表面进行光栅扫描,并组合200mm x 200mm测量结果。最终可以得到达220mm x 1400mm和更大面积图形掩膜的完整表面分析。